Who am I?
Community Helpers
People call me when they have a clogged drain or a leaky faucet. I also install pipes for kitchens and bathrooms.
Who is a plumber?
I am interested in sports. Name one or more careers that are in the field of sports.
What is a professional player, coach, writer, photographer for sporting events, physical therapist, trainer...
Name one tool a farmer needs.
What is a tractor? (other answers possible)
Name 2 things that you need for school success that are also important for career success.
What is attendance and being on time. (other answers possible)
This person delivers letters, bills, and advertisements to your house or apartment.
Who is a postal worker?
I work in an office but also outside. I design and draw plans to build houses and buildings.
Who is an architect?
I am interested in music. Name one or more careers that are in the field of music.
What is a composer, advertising (jingles), producer, singer/musician, manager of a music studio, music teacher...
Name 2 tools that a florist needs.
What are a vase and flowers. (other answers possible)
I want to be an author when I grow up. Which subjects do I need to focus on?
What is reading, writing, using technology ...
This person helps make sure we stay safe. They know the laws and can help us if we are in danger.
Who is a police officer?
I wear a special suit and a helmet with oxygen. I study outer space and know a lot about planets and the solar system.
Who is an astronaut?
I love being outside! What are some careers that are outdoors?
What is a landscaper/lawn service, construction worker, farmer, Park Ranger...
Name 3 tools that a dentist needs.
What are a light, mirror, floss. (other answers possible)
Name 2 careers that need math.
What is Accounting and Banker. (other answers possible)
This person has to wear a special suit and sometimes a mask. They use a water hose and have strong tools.
Who is a firefighter?
I am in the car all day. People call me when they need a ride. I drive very safely and follow the speed limit.
Who is a taxi/uber driver?
I love to travel and go to new places. What kinds of careers would interest me?
What is a travel agent, international business, pilot, work on a cruise ship ...
Name 4 tools that a nurse needs.
What are a stethoscope, band-aids, blood pressure cuff, thermometer. (other answers possible)
If you want to be a chef, what kind of school should you attend after high school?
What is culinary school.
This person is surrounded by books. They know all different genres, book levels, and research materials (like encyclopedias). Some work at a school and some work at other buildings in the community.
Who is a librarian?
I work in an office but also in a courtroom. I study rules and regulations. Sometimes, I help solve problems when there is a disagreement. I went to school for 4 years after high school and then 4 more years after that!
Who is a lawyer?
I am very creative. What kinds of careers would interest me?
What is an illustrator, artist, graphic designer, advertising (slogans/catch phrases), video game designer, fashion designer, art teacher...
Name 4 tools that a barber or hair stylist needs.
What are scissors, shampoo, comb, and cape (other answers possible)
How many years of college does it take to be a doctor?
What is 11-16 years.
This person plans lessons, grades papers, helps you learn, and be the best student you can be!
Who is a teacher?