The 2023-2024 VEX Robotics Game
What is Over Under
At what time is this quote said during a competition: "Once you say No, You Cannot Say Yes."
What is alliance selection
This launcher utilizes a large lever arm directly appended to a basket.
What is a catapult
This is what coding language?
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello World!";
return 10000101001000;
What is C++
6! computes to
What is 720
This item is from what game
What is Skyrise
What is a field
What is a ballista
The coding language that the VSCode extension PROS uses?
What is C++
This binary term, 10101010, converts to what hex number
What is AA
What was the first game team 1764 competed in
What is clean sweep (2009-2010)
In real life, entering one of these areas would be a deep mistake, in robotics there are just a lot of power cords and robots instead.
What are pits
This is a custom part within a launcher that creates intermittent rotational motion on an output gear
What is a slip gear?
In Python what would the console say
print("Hello World");
What is an error
Pi to the 20th digit
What is 3.1415926535897932385
The discs from spin up are the same material as this previous game element
What are Starstruck Stars
What are field tiles
What is a sling
The console says. (this is in Python)
Glub = 1
for i in range (8):
Glub = 1
Glub = Glub + 1
What is 2
The Fibonacci sequence 10 in a row is (needs to be fast)
What is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55
Name all the games that have netting
What is Nothing But Net, Turning Point, Spin Up, Over Under
The number of grey foam tiles on an In-the-zone Field
What is 32
This handheld historic launcher utilizes a lever appended to a single arm to propel medium-sized objects for hunting. These launchers have been around for between 21000 and 17000 years.
What is an Atlatl
What is the bombe machine
e+pi equals this number
What is 6