Vocabulary Words!
Rock Cycle
Types of Rocks
What is a mineral?
What is a nonliving crystal structure.
How many layers of soil are there in a soil profile?
What is 3.
Name all 3 steps in the rock cycle.
What is sedimentary, igneous, and sedimentary
A glassy, shiny black rock that is heavy is probably which type of rock?
What is obsidian, or igneous.
How many years does it take to create one inch of topsoil?
What is 1,000 years
What is the difference between thawing and freezing?
What is one is hard solid, one is liquid
Name the 3 layers of soil, bottom to top.
What is bedrock/parent material, subsoil, and topsoil
If you take a sedimentary rock and apply heat & pressure, what will happen?
What is : it will turn into a metamorphic rock.
A rock that is red in color and sandy is probably which type of rock?
What is sandstone.
Why is it necessary to prevent soil erosion?
What is so the plants don't blow away and get destroyed, so crops will stay, etc.
What is the definition of a metamorphic rock?
What is a rock that has been changed by heat & pressure.
Which layer of soil is the darkest, and WHY is it the darkest?
What is topsoil, and because it has decaying matter inside of it.
If you take a metamorphic rock and you watch it become weathered and broken down, what type of rock would it become?
What is sedimentary.
Limestone that turns into marble fits which type of rock?
What is metamorphic.
What are two ways a rock sample can be identified as a rock and NOT a mineral?
What is a rock has a combination of minerals, is sedimentary/igneous/metamorphic, is usually more than one color, has a band coloration, etc.
What are nutrients?
What is things that help a plant or animal grow.
Why would someone build a retaining wall on a sloping hill in their backyard?
What is to keep soil from eroding.
Describe how an igneous rock is created.
What is magma in the earth heats up and explodes, turning into lava that cools and creates crystals as it cools.
What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
What is weathering = broken down rocks, erosion = the movement.
Why would soil feel gritty?
What is because it has mineral particles in it, or it may have pieces of clay.
Tell me what a sedimentary rock is?
What is a rock formed in layers of sediments
Tell me 2 nonliving, and 2 living things in the soil.
What is rocks/dead leaves/minerals/decaying animals/live animals/water/air
Limestone is a rock with shells and dead animals in it. What does it turn into, and how is that particular rock used?
What is marble, and it's used in creating pretty buildings.
Name one type of igneous, one type of sedimentary, and one type of metamorphic rock.
What is sandstone, conglomerate, granite, obsidian, marble, and gneiss.
Give me two examples of weathering and two examples of erosion.
What is : 1. plants or ice/water freezing 2. wind blowing it or water carving it.