Point of View
Figurative Language
Mix it Up!
Word Relationships
Inferences & Conclusions
The passage is in this point of view: She said I couldn't go to my friend's house after school and it made me so mad.
What is first person point of view?
This is the literary technique used in the poem below: The spring brings birds and butterflies and bees
What is alliteration?
Which 2 words from the passage below show that two things are being compared? Basketball and baseball are alike in many ways. Both sports are played in teams and played with a ball.
Alike & Both
What's the genre of this passage? Light years from this solar system exists a galaxy known as Earnon. Though the inhabitants of this galaxy have lived in peace and prosperity for many decades, events have been observed recently which indicate that society is falling apart. The galactic government has become corrupt and unresponsive. Young Earnonians have grown rebellious and hostile. Worst of all, the sun (on which the earthlike planet Xenon relies for the building blocks of life) is dying.
Science fiction
What can you infer about the setting? I am not in a good mood. My head feels like a balloon, I cannot stop shivering, and I can barely breathe. No matter how much I blow into a tissue, I cannot clear my nose enough to take in a good breath of air. To make matters worse, my mother has dragged me out of my warm bed to this awful place filled with miserable people. Everywhere around me, I hear people sneezing and coughing. I can only imagine all of the germs floating around this place. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up even more. How is this supposed to make me feel better? I glance at the clock and see that we have already been waiting for forty minutes. Just as I am about to complain to my mom again, a lady in red scrubs calls my name. My mother gets up to follow her, and I gloomily trail behind.
They are in a hospital
The text below is in this point of view: Michael walked into the classroom and saw a sea of strange faces. He sat in the closest open seat and put his head down on the desk.
What is 3rd person point of view?
The passage below uses this literary technique: He popped his gum in my ear.
What is onomatopoeia?
Which genre is this passage? The ice fairy ruled over the kingdom of Dargon. She rode a dragon into her castle each night.
Which type of writing is this & what is the purpose? When Mary Lennox was sent to live with her uncle, everybody said she was the most ugly child ever seen. It was true, too. She had a little thin face and a little thin body, thin light hair and a sour face. Her hair was yellow, and her face was yellow.
Narrative - to entertain
What can you infer about Helen? eather put away her homework in the biggest slot in her bag. She placed the pens on the desk in order from the one with the most ink to the one with the least ink. Later, she ordered the shoes in her closet by the day in which she first bought them. When her room was cleaned, she took a shower and brushed her teeth for exactly five minutes. Then, she laid out her clothes for school the next day. Finally, she said good night to her parents
She is very organized
The text below is written from this point of view: Before beginning, you should gather all of your supplies so they will be near as you need them.
What is 2nd person point of view?
The text below uses this type of figurative language: Her voice was like honey dripping in a cup of tea
What is simile?
Flush toilets were first used in India and Pakistan over 2,700 years ago. There were also toilets in ancient Egypt and China. In the Roman Empire, toilets were part of some public bath houses for men and women. Then, in 1775, Alexander Cummings invented part of the flush toilet called the S-trap. This part used standing water to seal the outlet of the bowl. This kept the smell from the sewer from escaping. The S-trap is still used today. What is the main idea of this story?
Flush toilets have been around for a long time
How to Make a Sock Puppet 1. Take an old sock that you no longer wear. Make sure that your hand and arm fit comfortably inside the sock. 2. Using scissors, make a horizontal slit in the sock. 3. Cut an oval shape from a piece of cardboard. Your oval shape should be roughly three inches across and five inches tall. 4. Glue the fabric oval to the cardboard oval. 5. When the glue dries, fold the oval shape in half. Sew this oval shape into the sock. It should cover the slit that you made earlier. 6. Now your sock puppet has a mouth! The eyes, nose, and hair are up to you. Simply cut out the shapes and sew or glue them to the sock wherever you see fit. What supplies are needed before starting this project?
Scissors, glue, a sock, a ruler
Based on the following text, what can you infer about how Jimmy feels about the new neighborhood. The first weeks in our new neighborhood was awful. Our apartment was a horrible mess, filled with gigantic boxes. Mom and Dad were particularly irritable. My big brother Jimmy got to go back and visit with his friends in the old neighborhood but I was pretty much alone.
He missed his old friends
The passage below is written from this point of view: The bedroom was a mess and James didn't care. His mother was the one who insisted on things being clean but he liked his room a bit messy.
What is 3rd person limited?
The passage below uses this type of figurative language: The sparkling stars winked at me
What is personification?
What is the theme of this passage? One day a thief who had stolen a bag of pearls from a local merchant was fleeing the soldiers who would catch him. They chased him through the countryside and across many barnyards. Along the way, he threw the bag of pearls aside so he would not be caught with any evidence. After he was gone, a rooster came out into the barnyard, pecking for grain. The rooster saw the pearls and thought them to be shiny. He looked down closely at them and called to a hen. “Hey mother hen,” the rooster clucked. “Look at all of these shiny pearls.” The hen answered back, “Taste them. If they are shiny, they may be good to eat.” So the rooster nibbled at a pearl, and it was so hard it hurt his beak. “Ow!” cried the rooster. “These shiny treats are no good. I would rather have a single fine grain of corn than all these shiny pearls together.” And with that, he kicked them away into the fields, never to trouble him again.
Things have no value if they can't be used
In the passage below, what is a synonym for the word "objected"? The students objected to the large amounts of homework they were assigned over winter break.
What is disapproved or disagreed?
What can you infer about Howie's grade? Howie finished multiplying the fractions and turned in his worksheet. Mr. Green was making the class sit quietly until the bell. Twenty more minutes were left. Howie watched the clock as the hands moved slowly toward three o’clock. He groaned as he put his head on his desk but jerked back up when Mr. Green’s voice suddenly broke the silence. “Okay, class! I have your tests graded. Overall, I’m very pleased with how you all did. Some of you, however, need to study a bit harder,” Mr. Green said as he passed out the papers. Howie had studied every night for a whole week. He was positive that he had made an A. Mr. Green came and placed his test facedown on his desk. Howie turned it over excitedly, but his grin quickly turned to a frown. As he stared at his grade, a huge knot formed in his stomach.
He got a bad grade
The text below is written from this point of view: Janelle stood in front of the whole middle school, her hands shaking. She was so nervous she thought she might faint. Her best friend Monica was sitting in the audience and could tell how scared Janelle was.
What is 3rd person omniscient?
This is the type of figurative language used in the text below: "Do you want to go to Great America?" Jane's mom asked. "Well...I'd rather clean my room but, if you insist I guess we can go," Jane said with a smile on her face.
What is irony?
What is one way that realistic fiction & fairy tales alike AND one way they are different?
They both are made up stories. Realistic fiction stories could be true while fairy tales involve magic.
As used in the sentence below, what is an antonym of the word "reduce"? Another advantage of daylight savings time is that it reduces energy use.
Howie finished multiplying the fractions and turned in his worksheet. Mr. Green was making the class sit quietly until the bell. Twenty more minutes were left. Howie watched the clock as the hands moved slowly toward three o’clock. He groaned as he put his head on his desk but jerked back up when Mr. Green’s voice suddenly broke the silence. “Okay, class! I have your tests graded. Overall, I’m very pleased with how you all did. Some of you, however, need to study a bit harder,” Mr. Green said as he passed out the papers. Howie had studied every night for a whole week. Mr. Green came and placed his test facedown on his desk. Howie turned it over excitedly, but his grin quickly turned to a frown. As he stared at his grade, a huge knot formed in his stomach. Which detail from the passage supports the conclusion that Howie thought he'd get a good grade?
"He had studied every night for a week."