The teacher that owns a cross-fit gym.
Who is Ms. Dunning?
The street that the school is located on.
What is East Avenue?
What is a party?
The employee that keeps us healthy.
Who is Nurse Smith?
The employee that was hired in 1991.
Who is Mrs. Groff?
The teacher that got married in Las Vegas this school year.
Who is Miss James or Mrs. Lewis?
The room in the school where you can make a pizza and do some laundry.
What is the Flex Room?
Our town's zip code.
What is 14807?
The weekly gathering for PK-6th graders.
What is the Friday Finale?
Our high school student government President.
Who is Richard Flaitz?
The teacher that has placed in Sport Horse Nationals several times.
Who is Mrs. Kowalcyk?
The year that the building opened for learning.
What is 1936?
The year that we became the Arkport-Canseraga Wolves.
What is the 2017-2018 school year?
The name of the knight in Ms. Walker's room.
Who is Geoffry?
The administrator that went to school here at ACS.
Who is Mr. Marcus?
Our tallest substitute teacher.
Who is Mr. Ripple?
The number of fish currently in Mrs. Smith's fish tank (+/- 2)
What is 14?
The class with the most students enrolled.
What is the 9th grade and 11th grade? (They are tied)
The number of students that go to Arkport (+/- 10).
The position our superintendent was initially hired for.
What is a science teacher?
Deputy McCoy's furry friend.
Who is Tripp?
The teacher getting married this weekend.
Who is Mr. Theilen?
The number of graduates that currently work at ACS (+/- 2).
What is 27?
The number of books currently in the school library. (within 1000)
What is 20,550?
The position that our elementary principal was initially hired for.
What is an elementary teacher?