
What’s the difference between an executive agency and a regulatory commission?

The agencies are created to deal with government programs and the commissions are created to deal with public protections.


How is the civil service system and merit system related?

They are both methods used to hire government workers.


What are the main functions of members of the cabinet?

They give the POTUS advice on matters in the department they lead and they carry out the president's plans within their department.


How do the government corporations operate?  

They are like normal businesses except they don’t make a profit and they act under the government. For example, the U.S. Post Office is a gov corporation.


What is the difference between original and appellate jurisdiction?

Original jurisdiction occurs at the first trial and appellate jurisdiction only occurs when there is a challenge in the decision.


What is are judicial opinions?

They are explanations of the legal thinking behind the courts' decision.


When does the Supreme Court have original and appellate jurisdiction?

They have original jurisdiction with disputes between states and foreign matters. They have appellate jurisdiction if they don't have original jurisdiction.


How have third parties been important in American history?

They promoted good ideas that have sometimes become laws.


 What are the two basic qualifications to vote in the United States?

You have to be a citizen and you have to be at least 18 years old.


In a presidential election, what is the relationship between the popular vote and the Electoral College?

The popular vote is the vote by the citizens, which influences the Electoral College when choosing POTUS.


What are precedents?

They are former rulings that are used as the basis for judicial decisions in a similar case.


What is the most important power of the Supreme Court?

The power of Judicial Review.  Fun fact: both the Florida Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court have the power of Judicial Review.


 How do the two major political parties of today differ?

Republicans want less taxes and less government programs and democrats want more taxes and more government programs.


What would you do to become an informed voter before an election?

Keep yourself updated by researching important issues and follow current events in the news.  Fun Fact: NPR is a non-biased news source.


How is the role of voters different in primary elections and in general elections?

In primary elections, the voters choose the people who are running in the general election, but in general election, the voters actually vote for the representatives.


Why are precedents and judicial opinions important?

They are important because opinions set a precedent for all courts and agencies within a district and precedents influence other major case decisions. 


Why do third parties not last very long in America's two party system?

They don't have a widespread support of voters.


 What is suffrage?

The right to vote.


 How does voting affect society?

Voting gives citizens the chance to elect leaders who can affect future decisions in the U.S.


 How does a candidate for president win the office?

They have to win the final vote from the electors in the electoral college.


How does judicial review use checks and balances on the legislative branch and executive branch?

Judicial review decides whether decisions in both branches are constitutional or not. 


 Why do political parties create platforms?

So voters know what the parties' beliefs are on certain topics.


 How is apathy related to voter turnout rate?

Apathy is related because people lose interest in voting so less people show up.


What is the difference between an initiative and a referendum?

Initiative lets citizens propose laws or amendments to the state constitution and referendum lets citizens accept and reject laws passed by the legislature. 


What role do political action committees play in political campaigns today?

They contribute money to the candidates and their campaigns.