The name we use for a subtraction problem.
What is "difference"?
The difference between 45,265 and 109,521.
What is 64,256?
Audrey scored 3 goals over the soccer season. Grace scored 5 more than Audrey. How many did they score all together?
What are 11 goals?
These lines will never intersect.
What are parallel lines?
4km = _________ meters
(1km = 1,000 meters)
What are 4,000 meters?
The name we use for the answer to a multiplication problem.
What is "product"?
45 x 64 =
What is 2,880?
Tripp and Will collected $55 dollars each for chores. Bennett made 2 times as much as Tripp. How much did they all make from their chores?
What is $220?
A 4-sided figure with 4 right angles and 4 equal length sides.
What is a square?
3/4 x 5 = 15 x ?
(the answer is a fraction)
The word we use when we break a fraction apart into smaller fractions that add up to the original fraction.
What is "decomposing"?
2,837 / 5 =
What is 567 R2?
Autumn and Natalie collected 534 pairs of socks for the homeless. They wanted to split them evenly between 4 classrooms. How many pairs did each classroom get?
What are 133 pairs of socks per classroom?
The number of degrees in a full circle.
What is 360 degrees?
If the area of a room is 24ft2, what is a possible length and width of the room?
What is 1ft x 24ft or 2ft x 12 ft or 3 ft x 8ft or 4ft x 6 ft.?
Two lines that intersect at 90 degree angles.
What are perpendicular lines?
3 2/3 + 5 2/3 =
What is 9 1/3?
The elementary school sold 12,354 tickets to the art show. Berkley's class sold 7,456 of the tickets and Joel's class sold 1,234 tickets. How many tickets did the other classes sell?
What are 3,664 tickets?
The number of degrees if you turned 2/4 of a circle.
What is 180 degrees?
The first 5 multiples of 7.
What are 7, 14, 21, 28, 35?
The calculation we are finding when we multiply the length times the width of a rectangle.
What is the "area"?
6 3/5 - 3 4/5 =
What is 2 4/5?
Mrs. Pleasants read 3,485 pages so far this year. She wants to read 10,000 pages by the end of the year. If she has 5 months to read the rest of the pages, how many will she need to read each month?
What is 1,303 pages per month?
Any angle that is more than 90 degrees, but less then 180 degrees.
What is an obtuse angle?
Explain whether 9 is a prime or composite number and why.
What is composite because its factors are 1x9 and 3x3?