Mish Mash
Rock Cycle
Clues in rock layers

Is Pudding a mineral? (Explain)

No, it is not natural. It is not a solid. It is organic.


process that must happen first to turn any rock into an igneous rock

What is melting (then cooling/ crystallization)?


If I have a new mineral to identify and need to use this chart, what is the first thing I should do?

What is try to scratch it with my fingernail?


Layers B and L are extrusive events what made these layers?

What is a Volcanic eruption? (lava)


If you start with 16000 atoms of C14, how much will remain after 4 half-lives? (show all half-lives)

What is 1st half-life 8,000

            2nd half-life 4,000

            3rd half-life 2,000

            4th half-life 1,000 atoms


Anything NOT made up of a plant or animal

What is inorganic?


Sedimentary rocks made of various sizes of sediments are known as this

What are clastic (sedimentary rocks).


If I can scratch the mineral with my fingernail, what is its hardness?

2 or less


These fossils are probably best described as what?

What are index fossils?


How old is a fossils that has gone through 4 half-lives of C14 (5730  yrs = a half-life) Show each half-life.

What is 1st half-life 5730 yrs

            2nd half-life 11,460

            3rd half-life 17,190

            4th half-life 22,920 yrs


Type of metamorphic rocks that appear to have bands (or layers)

What are foliated metamorphic rocks


Sally was on vacation in Hawaii and found a rock not too far from one of the volcanos, what type of rock is it (most probably)?

What is igneous?


If I have figured out that my mineral has a hardness of 2 or less, and know that the minerals listed on this table are the only mineral I can have, do I know what I have? Explain

Answers will vary!

I have either talc or gypsum, but need to know the other properties of these minerals. 


Which site has the oldest fossils? How do you know?

What are sites 1 & 2, they have fossils that the other site does not have.


The parent element of Argon 40?

What is Potassium-40?


The type of sedimentary rock created from bits of once living organisms

What is biological sedimentary rock?


Daily Double! Write down how much you want to BET you can get this correct. processes that must happen for sedimentary rocks to form

What is weathering and sedimentation (lithification, cementation)


What properties can you tell me about this mineral?

It is silver-grey in color, it is metallic in luster, it has no cleavage or fracture


Which site has the youngest layer?

Site 3


The half-life of Rubidium?

What is 47 billion years?


The type of sedimentary rocks that form by precipitation.

What are chemical sedimentary rocks?


The shift in the layers was caused by this

What is a fault?


What can you tell me about this mineral?

It is white in color, it is vitreous in luster (or non-metallic), it has several good cleavages


What are the 4 youngest fossils from youngest to oldest?   (feather, bathyorus, crinoid, corrugata, dinosaur, bathyorus, sabertooth, trinoodea, trophite)

sabertooth, feather, dinosaur, crinoid


You have found a sample with only 30 atoms left. You have determined that it has gone through 3 half-lives. How many atoms did it have to START with? (show your work!)

What is 1st half-life 120 atoms

            2nd half-life 60 atoms

            3rd half-life 30 atoms

(STARTED with 240 atoms)