Mineral Properties
Rock Properties
Describe this mineral

Every mineral has their own unique _________. We look at the __________ within the marble.

What is color?


What is this rock's name?

What type of rock is this? (Be specific)

What features does this rock have that make it its specific rock type?

What is a conglomerate?

What is sedimentary?

What are pieces of rock compressed into a single rock?


Describe the luster for this mineral.

What is dull or earth luster?


Name the system where one rock can change into another rock over a long period of time (with the correct conditions).

What is the rock cycle?

The way light reflects off of a mineral...

What is luster?


What is this rock's name?

What type of rock is this? (Be specific)

What features does this rock have that make it its specific rock type?

What is granite?

What is intrusive-igneous rock?

What are large coarse grains and crystals?


What is this mineral?

Describe the mineral's luster?

What is quartz (milky quartz).

What is a silky luster?

A rock is made from....

2 or more minerals


Determining the color of the powder left behind when dragging a mineral on a ceramic tile.

What is the streak test?


What is this rock's name?

What type of rock is this? (Be specific)

What features does this rock have that make it its specific rock type?

What is sandstone?

What is a sedimentary rock?

What are horizontal layers of sediments?


What is this mineral?

What is this mineral's luster?

What is gypsum (selenite)?

What is transparency? 


What a mineral breaks in rough and jagged pieces.

What is a fracture? 


I use this to determine how difficult it is to scratch a mineral.

What is the Mohs hardness scale?


What is this rock's name?

What type of rock is this? (Be specific)

What features does this rock have that make it its specific rock type?

What is gneiss?

What is a foliated-metamorphic rock?

What are foliated bands? (Folds)


What is the name of this mineral?

What type of luster does this mineral have?

What is flourite?

What is vitreous luster?


When a mineral breaks in clean, smooth and flat pieces.

What is cleavage? 


A list of the elements and compounds found within a mineral.

What is the chemical formula?


What is this rock's name?

What type of rock is this? (Be specific)

What features does this rock have that make it its specific rock type?

What is pumice?

What is an extrusive igneous rock?

What is fossilized gas bubbles? (Vesicles)


What is the name of this mineral?

What type of luster does this mineral have?

What is pyrite?

What is metallic luster?


A mineral is made from...

What is one chemical element or compound?