The top layer of the earth is called:
Humus _________ the plants that grow in the soil.
Gravol and sand allow water to _________.
The three ways that rocks can be broken down into soil are:
By water, by wind and by living organisms.
The four parts of soil (must name 2)
Minerals, air, minerals and organic matter
Clay is:
Thick sticky soil.
Loam is:
Soil that has Humus, silt and clay as its parts.
A living organism is something that is ___________.
Organic matter is:
Anything that was once living or is currently alive ex: insects, plants, bacteria, fungi and animals
Clay ____________ water long enough for the plants to be able to absorb the water in their roots.
Rocks that are broken down into tiny pieces make________.
List 3 ways you can see rocks being used inside this classroom.
examples: Light bulbs, windows (glass), tile floor, metal hooks, concrete walls.
Humus is:
nutrient rich soil!
Silt is a ____________ kind of soil.
Water plays a part in making soil in two ways. These ways are:
Moving water that breaks rocks and freezing and melting water that can crack rocks.
graphite is the kind of rock used in our ________.
Pencil leads.