Sea landforms
layers of earth

occurs when large masses of rocks are physically broken down into smaller pieces. For example, water seeps into the cracks of a rock and freezes, expanding and causing the rock to split.

What is Physical weathering


The movement of weathered rock material by wind, glacier, and moving water or other ways.

What is erosion


is inclined hill or surface/ an angle of inclination.

What is slope


Deep depression where subduction occurs. This process is common at convergent plate boundaries.

What is ocean trench


an outer layer of the Earth, a hard rocky shell forming Earth’s surface.

What is the crust


Roots of the trees growing can exert pressure on the rocks creating cracks leads to physical disintegration, Fungi may release organic acid that change the compositions of the rock, Animals burrowing can lead to loosening of soil and rock particles

 what is biological weathering


Water moves weathered rock away from where it is

What is water erosion


When a mineral is broken down by a reaction with water.

What is hydrolosis


Region in the Pacific where 75% of all the world’s volcanoes are located, thus 90% of Earthquakes happen here.

What is ring of fire


the innermost layer of the Earth made up of a super hot but solid inner core and a super hot liquid outer core.

What is the core


changes the chemical makeup of rocks. For example, rainwater that contains carbon dioxide from the air easily dissolves certain rocks such as limestone.

What is chemical weathering


Ice moves and brings the rocks inside it through this type of erosion

What is glacial erosion


This process happens when salt solutions in the pores or joints of rocks crystalize.

Salt crystal growth


a process by which oceanic plates dive beneath continental plates, often causing mountains to form on land.

What is subduction


the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet

 What is atmosphere


is when water enters the joints/cracks on a rock surface, the water freezes, causing it to expand by 9 to 10%.

What is Freeze thaw


Wind pushes small particles like sand to a new location

what is wind erosion


This removes weight from previously deeply buried rocks, way below Earth’s surface.

What is pressure release(dilatation)


Process by which magma wells up between oceanic plates and pushes the plates apart. This often makes islands and island chains.

What is sea floor spreading


a thick middle layer of the Earth's interior structure consisting of hot rock that is dense but flexible.

what is mantle


Large diurnal ranges of temperatures cause rocks and minerals to expand during the day and contract during the night. This causes them to break over time

What is thermal fracture


Weathered rock and sediment is moved down a slope to a new location.

What is gravity erosion.


Wetting and drying can cause the addition or removal of water from molecules of some minerals, causing expansion or contraction which assist disintegration.

what is hydration


forms when one tectonic plate subducts beneath another, creating a chain of volcanic islands.

What is volcanic island arc


The uppermost layer of the Earth that includes the crust, continents, and ocean basins. Landforms such as mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. are natural features at the surface of the lithosphere.

What is lithosphere