More about Rocks
Name three words used to classify rocks based on how they were formed.
Metamorphic, sedimentary, igneous
What do the properties of a mineral depend on?
The type of mineral
Using the following data table, which rock has finer grained crystals, granite or andesite?
TRUE OR FALSE. Coarse-grain igneous rock forms from slowly cooling magma.
Is this rock made of one mineral or more than one mineral? How do you know?
More than one mineral. It has more than one color.
TRUE OR FALSE. All volcanic rock is igneous, and all igneous rock is volcanic.
Using the following data table, which mineral could not be scratched by the other minerals?
How is metamorphic rock formed?
Heat and pressure
What does the rock cycle describe? A. How rocks are formed B. How rocks change over time C. How rocks are broken down D. All of the above.
D. All of the above
What type of rock is this? How do you know?
Metamorphic -- it has bands
What is the tendency for a mineral to split easily or to break along flat surfaces called?
What can cause a mineral to be a different color than other samples of the same mineral?
In what type of rock are fossils most likely found?
Sedimentary rock
Identify the geologic processes involved in the transformation of sediments into shale, shale to slate and slate into magma.
Compaction and cementation - heat and pressure - melting
Using the diagram of the rock layers, put the rock types in order from the oldest to the youngest.
Granite - sandstone - mudstone - limestone
If a rock has parallel bands, how would it be classified? ( be specific)
Foliated metamorphic rock
What are the four most common minerals that make up the Earth's crust?
Quartz, mica, feldspar, calcite
What are the steps of sedimentary rock formation?
Weathering -- Erosion -- Deposition -- Compaction -- Cementation
Name three types of natural forces that can cause rocks to change from one type of rock to another.
Weathering Erosion Melting Cooling

Using the materials provided, determine the hardness of the mineral provided. Explain your reasoning.

Between 3 and 5.5 because it scratched the copper plate so it must be harder than 3, but it didn't scratch the glass, so it is not as hard as 5.5

Give an example of a nonrenewable, natural resource and why you think it is valuable.
(Variety of answers)
Using the following data table, which property would be the most useful in telling hematite and magnetite apart? Why?
Magnetism -- because the both have similar hardness eps of 6 or 6.5 and they both can be black in color, but only magnetite is magnetic.
What are the three subgroups of sedimentary rocks and how are they different?
Clastic - made from sediments being pressed together Organic - made from the remains of plants/animals Chemical - made from minerals recrystalizing
Where do rocks come from? Include how rocks are formed, include all processes involved.
(Rock cycle) Any rock when it melts forms magma. When the magma cools, it hardens and forms igneous rock. Any rock through weathering and erosion form sediments. These sediments over time get compacted and cemented together to firm sedimentary rock. After a rock is formed, whether it be igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic, it can get pushed down towards the mantle of the Earth. The heat and pressure changes the rock into metamorphic rock.

Eve found a cool mineral after the rainstorm. She conducted some tests on its properties and came up with the following data. Using her data and the known data for the given minerals, what mineral do you think Eve's stone is made up of? Explain your reasoning using her data as your evidence.

I think that Eve found fluorite because her mineral was glassy and only acrylic, fluorite, and glass have a luster of glassy. Also, her mineral was harder than copper just like fluorite and glass are harder than copper. Lastly, her mineral was softer than glass. Glass is not softer than glass, so the only mineral softer than glass yet harder than copper is fluorite.