Igneous Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks
Crystals and Gems
In the beginning, Earth's first rocks were Igneous Rocks. These form from molten rock that has been cooled and hardened.
What is True? You are a ROCK star!;->
Obsidian is a Metamorphic Rock.
What is False? Of course, Obsidian is an Igneous Rock! It is a black shiny rock and it looks like glass.
There are Sedimentary Rocks that are formed from the shells and skeltons of microscopic sea creatures!
What is True? Excellent! It is called the "Towering Chalk Cliffs". Some sea creatures remains break down after a while and their remains create chalk. About 180 of these sea creatures piled on top of one another can grow at 0.5 mm a year!
Diamond is the hardest mineral of all.
What is True? Diamond is a rare, naturally-occurring mineral composed of carbon. The Diamond is the hardest natural substance known. It is formed deep in the mantle. Most of the diamonds that have been discovered were delivered to Earth's surface by deep-source volcanic eruptions. Then, miners produce diamonds by mining for them within the Earth's surface.
The London Bridge is made of Granite Rock. What type of rock is it?
What is Igneous Rock? Yes! Great job! The most common Igneous Rock is granite. It is incredibly strong and have been used for buildings for thousands of years. It is also commonly used for kitchen countertops as well. Raise you hand if you have granite anywhere in your home.
Granite is an Igneous Rock.
What is True? Granite comes in various beautiful colors!
Clay is a Metamorphic Rock.
What is False? Clay is very fine, stretchy when wet and is a Sedimentary Rock.
Coal is a Sedimentary Rock.
What is True? From Plant to Rock... Another way in which Sedimentary Rocks form is by the breakdown of plants. As they are buried, they are squeezed together and eventually form coal.
Pearls forms in certain shellfish, especially oysters!
What is True? Pearls can also form in clams and mussels. Natural pearls have been harvested from the Persian Gulf, the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea for thousands of years.
The four main parts of the Earth's Layers.
What is the Crust, Mantle, Outer core and Inner Core? Congratulations! If you were correct, you have just scored a surprise triple points question!
Igneous Rocks have layers. That is usually how they are identified.
What is False? Sedimentary Rocks build up in layers. One way a Sedimentary Rock forms is when pieces of rock are carried to the sea, where they create huge piles of sediment. After thousands of years these cement together.
Marble is a Metamorphic Rock.
What is True? Polished marble looks stunning when used for building, and perhaps the world's most famous marble building is the Taj Mahal in India. The marble shimmers in the sun!
Gneiss, Schist, Eclogite and Marble are all Sedimentary Rocks.
What is False? Gneiss, Schist, Eclogite and Marble are all Metamorphis Rocks. Marble often are carved into statues!
Diamond comes from the Greek word "adamas", which means "invincible".
What is True? What a Gem! From sparking diamonds to rich red rubies, some rocks are valuable and known as gems. They are mined from the Earth at a huge expense, cut and polished, and usually made into jewelry. The Cullinan diamond (world's largest diamond ever found) at 3,106.75 carats was found by Thomas Evan Powell, a miner who brought it to the surface in Cullinan, South Africa on January 26, 1905
The birthstone for July.
What is Ruby? Ms. Smith's birthstone is Ruby! Most Rubies are found mixed with Sediment under soil. It was thought that ruby turning dark warned its owner of danger. Raise your hands if your birthdate is in July.
Pumice Stone (Igneous Rock) is the only floating rock.
What is True? Pumice is an Igneous Rock from the heart of a volcano.
Metamorphic comes from the ancient Greek words "meta (meaning change) and morphe (meaning form).
What is True? The Metamorphic Rock "Slate" forms from mud and a rock called Shale. The Shale has been squeezed and compressed as mountains are pushed up.
Coal is very fine, black or brown, and leaves a smudge on your finger tips when you rub it. It's a Sedimentary Rock!
What is True? Coal is a Sedimentray Rock.
Amber is a Metamorphic Rock.
What is False? Amber is a gemstone. Some people believe the Amber stone is said to promote good mental health and creative self expression. It is said that it stimulates intelligence, dispels impatience and encourages decisiveness. It is believed by some people as a useful memory aid and helps to stimulate intelligence.
Name three examples of how geologists classify rocks.
What is luster, color, shape, texture, hardness, float or sink, streak, layering, magnetism or size? If you named at least three of the above, YOU ROCK!;-)
A famous Igneous Rock landscape is the "Giant Causeway" in Northern Ireland.
What is True? Legends say giants used the Causeway as stepping stones!
A metamorphic Rock called Mignetite has a swirly pattern.
What is True? Just like ice cream swirls! When rocks are heated, parts may begin to melt and run through a "host" rock.
Limestone is a Sedimentary Rock.
What is True? Limestone is a Sedimentary Rock. Limestone usually have fossils embedded in it and it varies in color from white, gray, yellow and red.
Gold is a type of Igneous Rock.
What is False? Gold is a precious metal. Bangkok, Thailand is the home to the Golden Buddha, a religious statue made of solid gold. It weighs 6 tons -- that's weight of a small truck!
You can find these two dripping formed rocks inside of a limestone cave or cavern.
What is stalactites and stalagmites?