the process or system of describing the way in which different living things are related by putting them in groups
What is taxonomy
Identify problems encountered by taxonomist.
It is inevitable that some scientific names will change as scientists continue to delve into their fossil histories and study their detailed anatomy, reproductive methods, and of course their DNA.
Explain the development of a cladogram and how cladograms are used in the reconstruction of phylogeny.
In order to build a cladogram you take observed characteristics and group them according to the most common characteristics. Building a table like above shows you the linkage between the data and the tree. diagram illustrating patterns of shared characteristics. If shared characteristics are homologies then the cladogram forms the basis of a phylogenetic tree.
systematic arrangement in groups or categories according to established criteria;
What is classification
of or relating to taxonomic analysis that emphasizes the overall similarities of characteristics among biological taxa without regard to phylogenetic relationships
What is phenetics
pattern of systematics in which species are grouped into clades.
What is cladistics
Review the five kingdom scheme of classification recognizing that it is currently changing.
It became very difficult to group some living things into one or the other, so early in the past century the two kingdoms were expanded into five kingdoms: Protista (the single-celled eukaryotes); Fungi (fungus and related organisms); Plantae (the plants); Animalia (the animals); Monera (the prokaryotes). Many biologists now recognize six distinct kingdoms, dividing Monera into the Eubacteria and Archeobacteria.
discipline focused on classification and determining evolutionary relationships.
What is systematics