Sedimentary Rock
Metamorphic Rock
Igneous Rock
Igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary
Types Of Rock And Category

Sand sized Grain's

What is Sandstone


what sedimentary rock are diamonds made of?

what is coal


What is this igneous rock that is known as the volcanic glass?

What is Obsidian


What is a sedimentary rock that forms when iron and oxygen combine

What is iron ore


I am an igneous rock, I form mostly as an extrusive igneous rock, and I underlie more of Earth's surface more than any other rock type.

What is Basalt.


An Important Fossil Fuel

 What is Coal


A foliated metamorphic rock that has a banded appearance and is made up of granular mineral grains.

what is gneiss


A fine grained, dark-colored, extrusive igneous rock composed mainly of plagioclase and pyroxene

What is Basalt


What is a sedimentary rock that is formed in the ocean or saline lake waters

What Rock salt


I am a metamorphic rock, I can be used for statues, and there can be ruby's in me. 

What is Marble.


It forms where water, wind, or ice deposit

 What is Siltstone


what is the famous blue gem material that is a metamorphic rock?

what is lapis lazuli 


A course grained, light colored, intrusive igneous rock that contains mainly quartz, feldspar, and mica minerals, and can also be used for countertops.

What is granite


What is a fine grained nonfoliated meatamorphic rock with no special composition 

what is hornfels


I am a metamorphic rock, people have quarried me for thousands of years, I am one of the first rocks to be quarried, and it is gray, bluish green, or brown in color.

What is soapstone.


what is a clastic sedimentary rock that contains rounded particles larger than 2 centimeters 

what is a conglomerate rock


what is a non-foliated metamorphic rock that is created by lime stone?

what is marble


 a light-colored vesicular igneous rock. It forms through very rapid solidification of a melt.

What is pumice 


What is a metamorphic rock with well developed foliation and has significant amounts of mica

What is schist 


I am a term most often used for a clastic sedimentary rock, I form where broken, angular fragments of rock or mineral debris accumulate, and I can be any color.

What is Breccia.


what is a hard, tough, chemical or biochemical sedimentary rock that breaks with a conchoidal fracture?

What is flint

A foliated metamorphic rock that is formed by the metamorphism of shale.

What is slate


A dark-colored, vesicular, extrusive igneous rock. The vesicles are a result of trapped gas within the melt at the time of solidification.

What is Scoria


What is an igneous rock sometimes found in rhyolite  

What is a fire opal


I am a foliated metamorphic rock, I usually form by regional metamorphism at convergent plate boundaries, and I can form in many several different ways.

What is Gneiss.