Finish the Bible Verse:
Philippians 4:13
For I can do everything through...
Christ who gives me strength.
How many toes does an elk have on each foot?
This person helped Saul after he had been blinded by his meeting with Jesus on the road to Damascus.
Lawrence helped us to remember that Jesus' power helps us be...
Good friends!
Finish the Bible Verse:
Psalm 31:24
So be strong and courageous, all you who put your...
Hope in the Lord.
Do Rainbow Trout have only upper teeth or only lower teeth?
Only upper teeth on the roof of their mouth!
This person was a prisoner on a ship that sank in a storm. He said no one would die in the shipwreck - God would protect them - and he was right!
Finn helped us to remember that Jesus power lets us live...
Finish the Bible Verse:
John 15:12
Love each other in the...
Same way I have loved you.
Are mountain lions better at hearing or better at smelling?
What did Peter and John do after they healed the man who couldn't walk?
They told people about Jesus!
Sierra helped us to remember that Jesus' power helps us be...
Finish the Bible Verse:
Romans 8:11
The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead...
Do Red-Tailed Hawks see in color or black and white?
Colors - they see more colors than humans!
Three days after Jesus died on the cross, THIS happened!
He rose from the dead!
Ava helped us remember that Jesus' power gives us...
Finish the Bible Verse:
Exodus 3:12
God answered...
I will be with you!
How long does it take a baby Bighorn Sheep to be able to walk and climb as well as its mother?
One day!
What is something the early Christian church did together?
Ramsey helped us to remember that Jesus' power helps us do...
Hard things!