Me thinks
Death & Taxes
Parliamentary Proceedings
Boycotts, Protests, and Tea?
Lashes from Lady Liberty

The doctrine that teaches each person could break from the past and form a new spiritual relationship with God after a sudden conversion.

What is Evangelicalism?


This was a decree made by Parliament to prevent further conflicts between the colonists and Native Americans in the land west of the Appalachian Mountains.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


These acts were passed to punish the people of Massachusetts and clamp down on resistance from other colonies. 

What are the Coercive Acts? (Intolerable Acts also acceptable)


This kind of propaganda flooded the streets of Boston following the Boston Massacre.

What is anti-British propaganda?


This document formally severed all political ties between the American colonies and Great Britain.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


American writer, publisher, scientist, inventor, and diplomat who was a big believer in the Enlightenment.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


This was a rebellion started by the Native Americans In response to the British presence in formerly French lands. 

What is Pontiac’s Rebellion?


This series of acts taxed imports such as glass, paint, paper, lead, and tea.

What are the Townshend Acts?


This meeting of delegates from 12 colonies was in response to the Intolerable Acts.

What is the First Continental Congress?


This side won the Battle of Bunker Hill.

Who are the British?


The philosophical movement that emphasized human reason and science as the paths to knowledge.

What is the Enlightenment?

This was created by the fur trade in North America.

What are economic and military alliances?


This act forced colonists to provide room and board for British soldiers upon their request. 

What is the Quartering Act?


This was the purpose of a colonial boycott.

What is To force British merchants to influence Parliament into changing the laws?


This was the side that fired the first shot of the Revolutionary War, aka the shot heard around the world.

What is no one knows?


The charter of English political and civil liberties.

What is the Magna Carta?

This ended the French and Indian War.

What is the Treaty of Paris (1763)?


This measure by Parliament declared that they had supreme authority to govern the colonies.

What was the Declaratory Act?


An incident in 1770 in which British soldiers fired on American colonists and killed 5 of them.

What is the Boston Massacre?

Americans attacked Fort Ticonderoga near Lake Champlain for this reason.
What is to seize the supply of heavy artillery?

Enlightenment thinker who promoted the idea of natural rights, the consent of the governed, and the belief in progress.

Who is John Locke?


These are all of the ways the French and Indian War changed the colonial world.

What are it expanded British Territory, created new problems with Native Americans, and new problems with the colonists?


These were the colonists two main complaints about the Sugar and Stamp Acts.

What are it was the job of colonial assemblies to tax them, not Parliament, and no tax should be created without consent?
The name of a secret society that was formed to oppose British policies and organize various protests.

What is the Sons of Liberty?


The goal of the war was not Independence until this pamphlet changed Americans’ minds. 

What is Common Sense?