Chapter 1,2
Chapter 3,4,5
Chapter 6,7
Chapter 8, 9
Chapter 10, 11, 12
Recognizes that all students are learners who might benefit from a meaningful, challenging, and appropriate curriculum delivered within the general education classroom.
What is inclusion?
Sometimes referred to as ESOL, it is often delivered in pull-out programs or settings and content instruction occurs only in English.
What is ESL?
Analyzing critical features of a new environment.
What is environmental assessment?
A cooperative learning activity where students are randomly paired up, given a question, think about their answers and then discuss with their partners.
What is think pair share?
Something given to diverse learners during a standardized/high stakes test such as highlighting key words, repeating directions, or clarifying directions.
What is testing accommodations?
Refers to the environment that will least restrict a student’s intellectual and social growth
What is least restrictive environment?
These may affect students' dress, attendance, or behavior in school.
What are religious beliefs?
Helps students understand the perspective of others and appropriate social behaviors
What are social stories?
A cooperative learning activity where students are arranged in mixed ability groups, assigned a number, and asked a question. The teacher calls a group number to answer the question.
What is numbered heads together?
Ongoing assessments used to examine student' learning progress and effectiveness of teaching practices and instructional programs.
What is progress monitoring?
Providing opportunities, interactions, and experiences for persons with disabilities that parallel those of society
What is normalization?
family members, school administrators, special educators, social workers, etc.
What are comprehensive planning team members?
An individual’s ability to identify and take actions to achieve one’s goals in life.
What is self-determination?
Taking action as a result of external consequences such as tangible rewards.
What is extrinsic motivation?
Differentiating writing instruction by using spell checkers, word prediction programs, or electronic dictionaries.
What are technology-supported writing applications?
A multi-tiered identification and instructional model for assessing the extent to which students respond to and need more intensive and individualized research-based interventions to succeed in the classroom.
What is RTI?
Teachers work together to educate students in the inclusive classroom, providing all students with the assistance and expertise of two professionals.
What is co-teaching?
A collaborative data-based decision making process for establishing and implementing instructional and behavioral strategies and services to support the learning and positive behavior of all students.
What is Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports?
Before planning instructional activities, determine the assessments that will be used to evaluate students' learning and use them as a guide for designing and sequencing instructional activities.
What is backward design?
A type of feedback that facilitates, not frustrates, the writing process and offers suggestions.
What is positive feedback?
Designed to improve students’ academic and functional achievement and to provide students with skills and experiences needed for postsecondary goals
What is transition services?
Activity that requires students to draw four concentric circles.
What is circle of friends?
When students collect data on their own behavior.
What is self-monitoring?
Giving students assignments in the same areas of their peers but at different difficulty levels.
What is multilevel teaching?
A strategy that teaches students how to use textbooks and instructional materials.
What is the SCROL strategy?