Intense Exercise
Paced Breathing
This skill helps you to act differently to your action urge when the urge does more harm than good.
Opposite action
This skill is helpful in effectively making a request and/or getting somebody to do what you want by using a specific method to ask them.
The practice of taking ahold of your mind and grounding yourself in the present moment while staying non-judgemental.
The act of engaging in various activities to help improve mood and create structure/routine.
Behavioral Activation (BA)
This skill is used to help calm yourself down/ground yourself using the senses.
Self-soothe w/ six senses
Ride the wave
Communicates to another person that their feelings/thoughts/actions make sense and are understood.
Name two DBT skills that can also be used as a form of mindfulness:
Self-soothe with six senses
Ride the wave
The process of recognizing the impact thoughts, emotions, and behaviors on one another.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
This skill involves making a list and weigh options on acting of acting on or resisting crisis urges. This skill could also be utilized to assist with decision making.
Pro's & Cons
Recognizing things you cannot change in place of staying "stuck" in the emotion.
Radical Acceptance
This skill is helpful in building and maintaining healthy and good relationships through communication.
(Gentle-Interested-Validate-Easy Manner)
Name three different forms of mindfulness that can be used to ground someone in the present moment.
5-4-3-2-1 mindfulness
ABC mindfulness
Rainbow walk
Mindful Eating
Listening to music
The process of recognizing the engagement avoidance patterns versus active coping in response to a trigger.
This skill is helpful in temporarily distracting from intense emotions and crisis urges.
(Activities-Contributing-Comparison-Emotions-Pushing Away-Thoughts-Sensations)
These two skills are effective in relaxing our bodies by slowing the breath and tensing/relaxing muscles.
PMR and RC
This skill helps maintain self-respect in a conversation.
(Fair-No apologies-Stick to values-Be truthful)
Mindfulness is helpful in challenging and stopping engagement in what thought process?
The process of recognizing more than one way to see a situation or solve a problem using "both/and" thinking.
Dialectical Thinking
This skill is helpful in making difficult moments more manageable by using a variety of coping categories.
(Imagery-Meaning-Prayer-Relaxation-One thing in the moment-Vacation-Encouragement)
This skill is helpful in recognizing physical vulnerabilities that may negatively impact mood and crisis urges.
(Physical Illness-Balanced Eating-Avoid mood-altering drugs-balance sleep-get exercise)
(Think-Have empathy-Interpretations-Notice-Kindness)
This skill focuses on observing, describing, participation, non-judging, and staying focus on the here and now.
What & How (mindfulness)
Define the three states of mind.
Emotion Mind- Ruled by our feelings and urges
Reasonable mind- Ruled by thinking facts and logic
Wise Mind- Includes both reason and emotion which allows us to think more clearly in the presence of strong emotions.