George H.W. Bush Presidency
Clinton Presidency
George W. Bush Presidency
Obama Presidency

George H.W Bush was the Vice President for which President in the 1980s

Ronald Reagan


Bill Clinton defeated this Republican President in 1992 in part do to the emergence of third party candidate Ross Perot

George H.W. Bush


The 2000 Presidential Election is seen as controversial because after weeks of recounting votes in Florida, this group ruled 5 to 4 to order an END the recount and George W. Bush was declared the winner.

The Supreme Court


In order to secure the Democratic nomination for President, then Senator Obama had to defeat this popular very popular Senator from New York.  

Hillary Clinton


The Cold War came to an end with the collapse of this powerful communist country. 

The Soviet Union / U.S.S.R.


This Iraqi leader invaded Kuwait in 1990 leading the United State and it's allies into war.

Saddam Hussain 


Passed by the Clinton administration in 1993, this agreement removed trade barriers between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)


Introduced during George W. Bush's presidency, this act required states to test all students in English and math each year from 3rd to 8th grade. It also, provided money for extra educational assistance for poor children in return for improvements in their academic progress.

The No Child Left Behind Act


Obama’s campaign was greatly boosted when this media icon publicly endorsed him over is Democratic rival. This provided him with much need credibility and support from women.

Oprah Winfrey


Los Angeles police caught excessively beating this African American man. The trial results of the officers were televised, in whish officers were found not guilty. This verdict lead to civil unrest and rioting in Los Angeles.  

Rodney King


This war, beginning in 1991, began when Iraq illegally invaded Kuwait.

The Persian Gulf War; The Gulf War


This international organization, created in 1994, establishes rules for global trade and helps to settle trade disputes

World Trade Organization


On this date Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists hijacked 4 different U.S. airliners. 3,000 people were killed making this the worst attack in US History. Osama Bin Laden & his organization al-Qaeda took credit for the attacks.

September 11, 2001; 9/11


The election of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States is seen as a major historical event because 

He is the first African American elected President of the United States.


This White House intern became infamous in a sandal with President Bill Clinton

Monica Lewinsky


In 1990, a federal civil rights law was passed designed to prevent discrimination and enable individuals with disabilities to participate fully in all aspects of society.

The Americans with Disabilities Act


President Clinton failed to achieve this campaign objective after facing criticism for appointing his wife, Hillary Clinton, to lead the committee and no gaining support from Congress the proposal was abandon in 1994.  

Health Care Reform


In 2005, one of the deadliest natural disasters in American history took place. George Bush’s presidency was heavily criticized for the government's  slow and disorganized federal response to help victims.

Hurricane Katrina


In response to the 2008 economic crisis, President Obama was able to pass this act in order to avoid as second Great Depression

The American Recovery Reinvestment Act


This radical Sunni Muslim organization dedicated to the elimination of a Western presence in Arab countries and militantly opposed to Western foreign policy was founded by Osama bin Laden in 1988.



During the 1992 Presidential Election, this third party candidate weakened Bush/Republican reelection chances by receiving 20% of the total vote.

Ross Perot


Requiring a majority vote of the House of Representatives for conviction and two-thirds vote in the Senate for removal, this is the legal process of possibly removing the President from office.



Creation of the Transport Security Agency (TSA), Department of Homeland Security, and the passage of the USA Patriot Act of 2001 were all part of President George W. Bush's declaration of war against...



A major political victory for President Obama was the passage of the is act that sought to reform healthcare by making healthcare available to more Americans.

The Affordable Care Act or "Obamacare"


The 2000 Presidential election came down to a recount of votes in this state. The Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 to end the recount and declared George W. Bush winner.



Failing to keep the promise not to raise taxes, doing little to stop the economic recession, and the emergence of a third party candidate were factors in H.W. Bush losing the 1992 Presidential Election to...

William "Bill" Clinton 


Bill Clinton became the 2nd president in U.S. history to be impeached for...

Perjury and obstruction of justice. He lied under oath about a marital affair he had with a White House intern,.


The United States went to war with  Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein because they feared that he had __________ and may provide them to terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.

WMDs or Weapons of mass destruction


Appointed by President Obama, she became the first Hispanic Justice and the third women to serve on the US supreme court in 2009

Sonya Sotomayor


Barack Obama defeated this longtime Senator from Arizona in the 2008 Presidential Election becoming the first African American elected President of the United States.

John McCain