Textual Evidence
Author's Tone
Textual Clues

he considered that Byron’s latest efforts in the classroom might signify his desire to make a positive change. 

Signify means: 

  1. To show or indicate

  2. To be respected  

  3. To comply or follow 

  4. To worsen

A: To show or indicate


Choose the sentence which provides the best evidence supporting this idea:

 "Best friends are always there for you."

a) Jessica always talks about Michelle when she isn't around.

b) Jessica always helps Michelle when she needs support.

c) Michelle copies Jessica's homework frequently.

d) Michelle bought Jessica a nice birthday present.

b. Jessica always helps Michelle when she needs support. 


"Don't forget your towel!" Mom shouted as she applied sunblock on the baby. Sam threw the folding chairs in the back of the minivan and shouted, "Okay Mom!" He then ran up and grabbed his towel. 

What can the reader infer about where Sam and his mom going?

The beach, the pool, swimming, waterpark 


What is connotation? 

A. an idea or feeling implied along with its literal meaning. 

B. the literal meaning of a word. 

A. an idea or feeling implied along with its literal meaning. 


What is textual evidence? 

details from the text that a reader can use to support his or her ideas and opinions about the text. 


A dog whistle make a high-pitched sound that is only audible to dogs. 

Audible means: 

  1. Hard to hear

  2. Able to be heard

  3. Highly sensitive 

B. able to be heard


Choose the sentence which best supports the statement: 

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

a) A Ferrari is an expensive car.

b) That school has old buildings, and the gym is small, but the teachers are great, and most of the students say they are happy there.

c) The run-down neighborhood suffers from high crime too.

d) My grandma's cookies look delicious, and they taste even better!

b. That school has old buildings, and the gym is small, but the teachers are great, and most of the students say they are happy there. 


Sally arrives at home at 4:30 and knows that her mother does not get off of work until 5. Sally also sees that the lights are off in their house. 

What can Sally infer?

That her mother isn't home. 


What is denotation? 

a. an idea or feeling implied along with its literal meaning 

b. the literal meaning of the word 

b. the literal meaning of a word. 


Based on the context clues in the text below, "ecstatic" means:

Jonathan was ecstatic when his parents gave him a puppy for his birthday. He had wanted a dog for years.

a) nervous        b) discouraged

c) excited         d) thoughtful

c. excited 


As Jaden walked from with the money from church he had stolen in his pocket, powerful feelings of remorse bubbled in his stomach. 

Remorse means: 

  1. Feeling of nervousness

  2. Feeling of satisfaction 

  3. Feeling of happiness

  4. Feeling of regret 

D. feeling of regret


Before the 1800s, people didn't have right or left shoes. Shoes of just one shape were used for both feet. When people first saw right and left shoes, they laughed. They called them "crooked shoes." 

From this text, you can infer that shoes before 1800:

a) didn't fit very well        b) didn't look alike

c) were pretty                 d) were good-quality

a. didn't fit very well 


They got a bucket and they had flags to put on top of their creation. They built it far away from the shore so it would stay up. What were they doing?

Building a sandcastle 


Fill in the blank: 

Tone is the ___________ of an author towards a subject or audience. 

Attitude or feeling 


Select the detail that does not provide evidence for this sentence: My cat is afraid of everything.

a) He hides under the couch when I turn the microwave on.

b) He runs away when I sweep the floor.

c) He jumps every time the doorbell rings.

d) He meows whenever he sees me.

d. He meows whenever he sees me. 


The children were perched on the edge of the sofa arms, waiting to hop off and land on the next unlucky passerby. 

Perched means: 

A: to wait at a position off of the ground

B. to jump off 

C. to standby 

A. To wait at a position off of the ground 


Some breeds of dog are called "herding breeds." In many cultures dogs are used to herd sheep. Dogs keep the flock from being attacked by animals such as wolves. They also keep sheep from wandering off. Sheepdogs also are popular pets because they are known for their loyalty and gentleness. 

Based on the text, the reader can infer that:

a) Sheepdogs are not very smart dogs.

b) Sheepdogs are gentle and loyal.

c) There are many breeds of dogs.

d) Only farmers own sheepdogs.

b. Sheepdogs are gentle and loyal. 


Carrots are an excellent source of retinol. Retinol is a pure form of vitamin A and is essential for good vison and strong teeth. It is often found in foods such as eggs, liver, and fish. For vegetarians, the best source of retinol is carrots.

 Based on this passage, what can you infer about the amount of retinol in eggs, liver, and fish?

 a. It is the same or greater than the amount of carrots. 

b. It is less than the amount in carrots. 

c. Eggs, liver, and fish do not contain retinol. 

d. Carrots are the healthiest vegetable.

b. it is less than the amount in carrots. 


"I don't have a good feeling about this. Maybe this is a bad idea," Layla said as they snuck the key to test from their teacher's desk.

What tone does the author achieve by using the words "maybe this is a bad idea" 

a. the feeling of fearful 

b. the feeling of excitement 

c. the feeling of forgetfulness 

a. the feeling of fearful 


Maria walked down the street with her head hanging down; her soccer team had just lost their first game. She couldn't wait to get home and text her best friend. Maybe then she would feel better.

Which detail(s) from the text tells the reader how Maria is feeling? (Select two)

a) She has lost her first game.

b) Her head is hanging down.

c) She is walking down the street.

d) Maybe she will feel better after texting her friend.

b. Her head is hanging down. 

d. Maybe she will feel better after texting her friend. 


“I wish I had brought my spectacles,” the old librarian remarked as she squinted and strained to read the text. 

Spectacles means ___________? 

Spectacles means glasses or eyewear


Tim looked out the window. The house looked so lonely. Tim's father put the last suitcase in the trunk and started up the car. Thor, his dog, put his head on Tim's lap, like he understood how Tim was feeling. "It's okay Thor," he said. "Dad says we will like California."

What can the reader infer is happening in this passage?

a) Tim is sad because he has to give away his dog. 

b) Tim is taking a trip to visit people he doesn't know, and he is scared.

c) Tim is taking Thor to live with his grandmother for a while.

d) Tim is moving to California with his family.

d. Tim is moving to California with his family. 


Robert and Pablo both glanced around the room nervously as the teacher handed back the graded tests. The teacher handed Pablo his test and smiled. The teacher handed Robert his test and asked, “What happened?” 

The reader can reasonably infer: 

A. Pablo did not do well on the test.

 B. Robert did not do well on the test. 

C. Robert was not in school the day of the test. 

D. Pablo studied day and night.

B. Robert did not do well on the test. 


Even though the Dodgers lost last week, I know they will be victorious this upcoming season. 

What tone does the author achieve by using the words "victorious this upcoming season"? 

a. a tone of uncertainty

b. a tone of optimistic 

c. a tone of cautionary 

d. a tone of compassionate 

b. a tone of optimistic 


Which piece of evidence could be used to best support this claim:

High school students should be required to wear uniforms.

a) A school uniform can end up costing more than $200.

b) A student said, "Allowing us to wear our own clothes gives us a chance to show our unique style and independence."

c) School uniforms can be ordered online.

d) At one high school that recently required students to wear uniforms, attendance rates went up, and behavior incidents went down.

d) At one high school that recently required students to wear uniforms, attendance rates went up, and behavior incidents went down.