Returning OPPS
Lead Grades
Who to Tag?

True or False: No matter the case status; if its a new OP you ALWAYS make a new opp 



True of False: In certain circumstances you DONT have to run a conflict check 

FALSE: always run a conflict check 


Do we assist Grandparents establishing rights? 

No, RO 


Divorce Case in WI 

PC is unemployed 

OP makes 60k

Lead C, Lead B or Lead A 

Lead B; schedule with CLA or 350$ atty 

Billing questions/issues 

Stacy and MJ


How do you collect and process payment? 

Please confirm the payment method or enter a new credit card payment profile and tag Stacy and Mj in chatter to process the appropriate payment


PC is wanting to fight a restraining order with OP; but they have no kids in common and never married. Can we schedule? 

No, RO 


When do you schedule a coaching session? 

Court date within 30 days; Lead Grade C; not looking for full rep only legal advice 


Custody and Placement (IL)

PC income: 99k 

OP income: unemployed

Lead C, Lead B, Lead A 

Will classify as lead B since income is not above 100k but can submit to Lead Grade B approval channel 


OP's atty calling in to discuss case 

Atty on case and attys paralegal 


When an opp is in non responsive, but had a consult less than 6 months ago; do you schedule a new consult or funding call with the proper CLA ? 

Funding Call 


What do you need to spell back when making a new lead?

PCs First and Last name (prior names if applicable)

OPs First and Last name (prior names if applicable)

Email address 


What is an MSA 

Marital Settlement Agreement 


Paternity WI

PCs income: 30k

Lead C, Lead B, Lead A 

Lead C; seminar or coaching 

Funded client UNHAPPY about representation 

Atty on case, Paralegal, Jeff Kerlin, MP and Jordan Taylor 


True or False: If a Client is in closed lost status due to him swearing out the consult atty; do we ask if hes feeling better in order to schedule a new consult? 

False; RO 


True or False; when adding payment on file to existing opp you create an invoice and process payment yourself? 

FALSE; tag stacy and mj to process appropriate payment 


Can we schedule Denovo's if it was heard in front of a Judge? 

No, RO to appeals atty 



Pc income: 43k

OP income: 1k

Lead C, Lead b, Lead A 

Lead C, seminar or coaching 


'Quote pending' questions (consult done by atty)

CLA metro specialist 

True or False: It the opp has funded but has been less than 2yrs, you reuse the same opp 

False, make a new opp 

True or False: PC calls back in after call was disconnected. All you have to do is schedule. Do you re-run a conflict check? 

YES !!!!!

Are we able to schedule college contribution in IL? 

YES only in IL 


Divorce in WI

Both PC and OP are retired. 

The have assets. 

Both Retirement Accounts are above 100k 

Lead C, Lead B, Lead A

Will classify as lead B but can submit to Lead B approval channel to pass as Lead A 


Who is the MKE Metro Specialist: 

Who is the FOX metro specialist: 

Who is the MAD metro specialist:

Who is the IL metro specialist: 

MKE; Cassie

FOX; Stephanie

MAD; Angela

IL; Wes