The blood of this Passover animal on the doorframe foreshadowed Jesus as the sacrifice for sin.
God showed his faithfulness (provision and care) by providing this each day for the Israelites to eat in the wilderness.
This object in the Tabernacle and Temple represented God's presence, just as Jesus later did.
The Ark of the Covenant
This first king of Israel started well but ended poorly due to disobedience.
The Israelites were enslaved in this ancient nation before the Exodus.
After Adam and Eve sinned, God provided these to cover their nakedness, foreshadowing Christ covering our sin.
Animal skins (garments of skin)
God showed both justice and mercy when this king repented after Nathan confronted him.
This prophet's experience in the fish for three days foreshadowed Jesus' time in the tomb.
Name two character traits that made David a "man after God's own heart" despite his significant failures.
Repentance, willingness to be corrected, passionate worship, trust in God
What group of people were half-Israelite, half-Gentile, and looked down upon by Jews?
Like Jesus would later do, this person was willing to sacrifice his only son in obedience to God.
Abraham (son Isaac)
At Creation, we see God's triune nature when "God's Spirit hovered over the waters" and God said "Let us make man in..."
"Our image" (In the beginning God created the heavens ...and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.)
Name two ways the Exodus parallels God's plan of salvation through Christ.
Deliverance from bondage, rescue through blood (Passover lamb), God's mighty intervention
This judge demonstrated faith by leading a small army against a much larger force.
Daniel served in the courts of both Babylon and this empire that conquered it.
Persia (King Nebuchadnezzar-Babylon and Cyrus the Great-Persia)
Moses lifted up this object in the wilderness, which Jesus said pointed to His crucifixion.
The bronze serpent
Name two ways God showed both justice and mercy in the Flood narrative.
Justice in judgment of sin, mercy in saving Noah's family and the animals; OR Justice in judgment, mercy in the rainbow promise
This theme links the stories of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, the Passover, and Christ's crucifixion.
God's provision of a substitute sacrifice (Demonstrates God's consistent plan of redemption throughout Scripture)
Describe how Daniel's leadership in a foreign court demonstrates integrity and faithfulness.
Refusing to compromise his faith, maintaining godly character while serving in Babylon, trusting God in difficult circumstances
This coastal people group, including Goliath, were long-time enemies of Israel.
This king-priest of Salem blessed Abraham and received a tithe, foreshadowing Christ's royal priesthood.
God revealed Himself to Moses using these words: "The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious..."
"...slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness"
Explain how the stories of Israel's kings demonstrate the need for a perfect King.
Most kings failed, showing human inability to rule righteously, pointing to the need for Christ's perfect kingship
Like Jesus advocating for His people, this queen risked her life by appearing before the king uninvited, saying "If I perish, I perish" to save her people.
Esther (Accept: Her statement "And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” also shows God's providential placement of leaders)
Explain how God's relationship with Nineveh, capital of Assyria, shows both His mercy and His justice: First through Jonah's preaching (around 780-760 BC), and later when Assyria conquered Israel (722 BC)
When Nineveh repented at Jonah's preaching, God showed mercy and spared them. However, when they returned to wickedness in later generations, God used them to judge Israel's unfaithfulness, demonstrating both His universal concern for all nations and His sovereign control over history