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Random Romans
This was the lowest office on the cursus honorum.
What is quaestor?
During their wars against the Samnites, the Romans switched from fighting in a phalanx to fighting in this more flexible unit.
What is a maniple?
Rome was sacked in 387BC after an invasion by this group from the north.
What is the Gauls?
This last king of Rome got into hot water when one of his sons raped Lucretia.
What is Tarquinius Superbus? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: name the man who would declare that they should seek vengeance on the king and overthrow the monarchy.
The Latin term for the head of the Roman family.
What is paterfamilias? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: can you provide the Latin term for the power that this man possessed?
Ideally, this powerful office was only meant to be held for a short period of time (6 months) during a time of a crisis.
What is dictator? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: can you provide an early republican example of the ideal dictator?
As a result of their lengthy siege of this city, Rome finally introduced pay for soldiers.
What is Veii?
The Romans established a number of these in their new territory – just to make sure they stayed in control.
This king apparently established a lot of Roman religious institutions and altered the calendar.
Who is Numa Pompilius? DOUBLE JEOPARDY? Can you remember the ethnicity of Numa?
This is the name given to the first written set of laws of Rome.
What is the Twelve Tables?
There should be this many years in between each magistracy that you hold.
What is two? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: how many years should there be before you can hold the same office again?
Following the Battle at Lake Regillum, Rome signed a treaty with this group.
What is the Latin League?
Rome was defeated by this king in 280 & 279 - but the cost was so great that he was reported to have said "One more victory like that over the Romans will destroy us completely!"
Who is Pyrrhus of Epirus?
The establishment of the census and the classes is attributed to this hot-headed king.
Who is Servius Tullius?
The three Latin terms for the three names generally held by an upper class Roman citizen.
What is the praenomen, nomen, and cognomen? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: can you provide the term for the extra cognomen or given an example of a cognomen?
This magistrate was in charge of the senatorial roll and monitoring public morality.
What is the censor?
By 270 BC, Rome had all of this territory under its control.
What is Magna Graecia?
Following the defeat by Pyrrhus, the Romans signed a mutually defensive treaty with this nation.
What is Carthage?
Ancus Marcus took possession of this salt plain during his reign.
What is Ostia? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: if you can provide one other development from the reign of this king.
This historian wrote a history of Rome from the founding of the city.
Who is Livy? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: can you remember when Livy was composing his work?
Historians think that the plebeians gained the right to elect their own officials, the tribunes, around this year.
What is 494BC? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Explain the office of the tribune.
This group had the right to move to Rome and become a citizen - as long as a son of military age remained behind in the colony.
What is the Latin allies?
Rome fought a series of wars with this mountain tribe from 338-290.
What is the SAMNITES? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: either outline the changes that Rome made to their army during this period OR name the other groups that supported the Samnites during this conflict.
This Etruscan king may have captured Rome briefly during the early days of the Republic.
Who is LARS PORSENNA? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: if you can tell us one of the tales about a heroic Roman from this period.
These laws from 367BC stated that at least one of the consuls should be a plebeian.
What is the Licinian-Sextian Laws?