Who was the first emperor of Rome?
Capital City of the Empire and present day Italy
What Country is Rome in?
This structure carried clean water from the hilltops into cities and towns?
A group of states or countries under one supreme authority
A relative peace that lasted 200 years and started with the reign of Augustus
Pax Romana
Before Rome was an empire, what form of government did it have?
A republic
Roman Roads, Aqueducts, Public Baths, Taxation Systems are examples of this
Rome is a peninsula that is connected to what body of water?
Mediterranean Sea
Which engineering feature connected the city of Rome with territory throughout the empire?
Which three continents did the Roman Empire span?
Europe, Asia, and Africa
This river flows through Rome and made the Roman civilization possible.
The Tiber River
DAILY DOUBLE: This Roman Emperor split Rome into the East and West with 4 governors and persecuted this new religion spreading through the empire
Who is Diocletian? What is Christianity?
External Factors leading to the Fall of Rome
Barbaric (Germanic) Invasions, Climate change leading to decrease in agricultural output, epidemic disease/plague
Which trade routes connected the Eastern Roman Empire and China?
Silk Road and Mediterranean Sea
Rome had a religion featuring 12 main gods, this means that the Roman Empire had this type of religion
With the rise and spread of Christianity during the collapse of the Roman Empire and the increase in plagues...this group of people began to take a greater role in society even over government officials...
Religious Officials
Who was the first dictator of ancient Rome?
Julius Caesar
People who weren't Roman were called?
What year was Rome founded?
753 BCE
Spread and Appeal of Christianity
Offered Salvation to all, appealed to the poor and women, spread along trade routes via merchants and missionaries
What is the name of the written code of law, gave legal protection to all citizens, and was publically displayed for all to see
The Twelve Tables
Who killed Julius Caesar?
Members of the Senate
What year was the Roman Empire established?
27 CE
DILY DOUBLE: This Emperor converted to Christianity and moved the capital of Rome. "New Rome" was called this
Who is Constantine? What is Constantinople?