Important river that Rome was build near
What was the Tiber River?
Lowest class with no rights
Who were slaves?
Form of government where the people can elect their representatives
What is a Republic?
Groups of 100 soldiers
What were Centuries?
Three major eras of Roman Rule
What were the Monarch, Republic, and the Empire?
Two mountain ranges that protected Rome from invaders
What were the Apennines and the Alps?
Former slaves that still lived with many restrictions
Who were freedmen?
Roman official who is in charge of enforcing civil law
What is a Praetor?
Groups of 3000-6000 soldiers
What was a Legion?
What were the 4 principal rights of full citizens?
What was the right to vote, hold office, marry, and practice business
Three main crops grown in Rome's volcanic soil?
What were grapes, olives, and wheat?
Highest social class of Rome who held great political power
Who were the Senators?
Two chief executives in Rome's government that ruled for 1 year
What is a consul?
Foot soldiers who were mainly plebeians
What was the Infantry?
The last Etruscan King of Rome
Who was Tarquin the Proud?
Being built on this particular hill made it easy for Rome to spot invaders
What is Palatine Hill?
The ruling class of Rome and the major landholders
Who were the Patricians (or Nobles)?
Frst written code of laws in Ancient Rome
What were the Twelve Tables?
Soldiers on horseback who were mainly Patricians
What was the Cavalry?
An alliance of three leaders sharing control of the government.
What was the Triumvirate?
Name of the peninsula that Rome is located on
What is the Italian Peninsula?
Merchants and craftspeople or Rome.
Who were the Plebeians?
Group of 300 patricians who would serve the government for life
Who was the Senate?
The role of a dictator in time of war
What was complete authority for up to 6 months?
Official language of the Roman Empire