Early Rome
Julius Caesar
Roman Emperors
This is the language spoken by the people living in Rome and its surrounding area, Latium.
What is "Latin?"
As the Roman-controlled areas continued to expand, they met their greatest rival, Carthage, in these 3 wars.
What is "the Punic Wars?"
When Caesar returns to Rome after a successful military campaign, defeating the barbarians in Gaul and his political rivals like Pompey, the people give him this title.
What is "Dictator for Life?"
He was the first Roman Emperor and began a 200-year time of peace called the "Pax Romana."
Who is Augustus?
This early group of religious people were treated terribly by early Roman leaders like Nero, being blamed for crimes and being killed for their beliefs.
Who are "Christians?"
These two brothers were sons of the God of War, raised by wolves, and one is resposible for founding the city of Rome.
Who are Romulus and Remus? Double your points if you said Romulus started Rome.
SPQR means "Senatus Populusque Romanus" in Latin. This is how you say it in English.
What is "Senate and the People of Rome?"
This is the place where Julius Caesar was murdered.
What is "the Senate?" Double your score if you said "at the foot of Pompey's statue?"
The emperor Vespasian built this massive sports stadium which housed gladiator games, naval battles, and other epic events.
What is the Colosseum?
This Emperor became Christian after seeing a burning cross prior to winning a battle. He was the first emperor to "convert" to Christianity.
Who is "Constantine the Great?"
This group of people lived in Northern Italy and had a major influence on Roman lifestlyes, architecture, and religion.
Who are "the Etruscans?"
This is how the Romans went about protecting their Republic.
What is "by attacking neighboring threats?"
This phrase was the final warning by a soothsayer to Julius Caesar before his murder.
What is "Beware the Ides of March?"
This emperor travelled his empire and realized that the borders needed a better defense. In response to this need, he built a massive wall 15 feet high, that was heavily fortified.
Who is Hadrian?
This is one reason why the Roman Empire fell.
What is ... 1) Barbarian Invasions (couldn't defend their borders) 2) Economic Collapse (too high taxes) 3) Christianity (people did not want war) 4) Poor leadership (weak Emperors in the West)
This early form of Roman entertainment was actually started by the Etruscans.
What is "Gladiator games?"
This position in the Roman Senate is most like our President.
What is a Consul?
After Caesar's death, these two leaders battled in a civil war to see who would be Rome's next leader.
Who are "Marc Antony and Octavian?" Remember - Octavian wins.
Trajan was a very successful military general and in his conquests, he amased huge amounts of wealth. What did he have built with all of that extra wealth?
What is the Forum and Marketplace?
This Christian missionary spread Christianity to non-Christians all over the Roman Empire.
Who is Paul?
This was the sign that Romulus recieved when he picked his spot for the city. This led to an argument and eventually Romulus killed Remus.
What is "vultures flying overhead?"
This idea of governing which began in Rome, was the basis for our government in the United States.
What is "Representative Government?"
This is a famous saying by Julius Caesar which describes his rise to power. It is translated from Latin to English and means "I came, I saw, I conquered."
What is "Veni, Vidi, Vici?"
He was considered to be a poor ruler because of his physical abilities, but he ended up increasing the size of the empire and built aquaducts that provided Rome with running water.
Who is Claudius?
This emperor decided to split the empire into 2 halves, the Western Roman Emire and the Byzantine Empire.
Who is "Diocletian?"