Where is Rome located? (country + surrounding geography)
Italy, surrounded by the 7 hills of Rome
True or False: The Roman Baths held public events from time to time and many meetings were held there.
What is the name of the two brothers who fought to the death over Rome? How were they raised? Who won the fight?
Romulus and Remus
nursed by a she-wolf
Romulus won the fight
Where did the Via sacra go through?
Roman Forum
What are 3 of Rome's architecture achievements according to the presentation?
Aqueduct, Arches, Temples
True or False: There weren't any animal fights in the colosseum
false. There were animal fights as well as gladiator fights.
Fill in the blank:
Rome has over ____ ____ in the city!
Fill in the blank:
The Via Aemelia goes from Ariminium to _____. The name _____ comes form this road.
Placentia, Emelia
Name 4 of the seven hills of Rome
Any of the following:
Is the Closseum more known for animal fights or gladiator fights? Also, what is impressive architecturally for the colosseum according to the slideshow?
1.gladiator fights
2.Its size and ability to seat massive crowds.
It is believed approximately how many people were killed in the colosseum? Around how many animals were killed?
around 500,000 people and 1 million animals.
When was the Via Appia started? By who? (full name not required)
312 A.D.
It was started by censor Appius Claudius Caecus.
According to the presentation, name 3 things the seven hills of Rome served as to the Romans.
defense, expansion, safety, travel, and trade.
The Pantheon is a _____ dedicated to the ____ ____
___. The Pantheon has the world's largest ______
_______ ________.
temple/the 12 main gods/unsupported concrete dome.
Original Rome is ____ ____. Several buildings have been _____ over ancient roads
Partially covered/built
Around how many miles of road did the Romans build?
Name all 7 hills of Rome and one of Rome's architectural achievements (architectural achievement must be from the slideshow)
Hills: Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Aventine, Palatine, Caelian, and Esquiline
Architectural achievements: (any of the following): Arches, Temples, aqueduct
609 a.d. by pope boniface IV
Recount the main points in Romulus and Remus's story
list two of the fun facts from the presentation.
Story: Romulus and Remus were born (parents are Rhea Silvia and Mars). The king ordered Romulus and Remus to be killed, so they were left in the Tiber (in a basket). A she-wolf found them and nursed them. A shepherd found them and raised them. When grown up, they overthrew the king. They wanted to build a city along the Tiber, but disagreed which hill it should be on. Romulus killed Remus and then named Rome after himself.
Two fun facts: (List any two from these) Rome has over 200 Fountains in the city! / Rome was founded by two brothers who fought to the death of control over the city and who were nursed by a she-wolf./It is believed 500,000 people and 1 million animals died in the colosseum. / Original Rome is partially covered. Many buildings have been built on top of & over old roads and things.
Where did the FINISHED Via Appia go to? How many miles long was it when it was STARTED?
When it was started, the Via Appia was 162 miles long.