Kings of Rome
Early Roman Republic
Late Roman Republic
Roman Empire
Decline of the Empire

The first king of Rome, for whom the city is named.

Who was Romulus?


The nation who fought the Romans in the three aptly named Punic Wars.

What was Carthage?


The Ides of March, 44 B.C.E.

When was Julius Caesar assasinated?


The first Roman emperor.

Who was Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus?


The religious pseudo-successor to the Western Roman Empire in the medieval era.

What was the Holy Roman Empire?


The number of Roman kings, including Titus Tatius.

What is 8?


An extremely successful Roman statesman famous for his historical and agriculture writings along with his staunch opposition to Helenization.

Who was Marcus Porcius Cato?


The political alliance between Gaius Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, and Marcus Licinius Crassus.

What was the First Triumvirate?


The first Roman emperor to be depicted with a beard, also known for his long wall in Britain.

Who was Hadrian?


The later title for the Eastern Roman empire in the early medieval era.

What was the Byzantine Empire?


The final king of Rome whose defeat marked the beginning of the Roman Republic.

Who was Lucius Tarquinius Superbus?


A Carthaginian general who fought the Romans to mixed success.

Who was Hannibal?


One of the main ultra-conservative figures of the Late Republican government. Famously undermined the Reformists position by increasing the grain dole.

Who was Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis?


The Roman Emperor famous for splitting the empire into two halves in 286 C.E.

Who was Diocletian?


Widely considered the final Western Roman Emperor.

Who was Romulus Augustulus?


One of the final kings of Rome, came from servile origins and was highly revered by the populace.

Who was Servius Tullius?


The three major battles lost by Rome at the onset of the Second Punic War.

What were Trebia, Lake Trasimene, and Cannae?


The co-consul of Julius Caesar who also opposed him during the Roman civil war.

Who was Bibilus?


The four emperors who fought for power in the appropriately named Year of the Four Emperors.

Who were Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian?


The major empire with which Rome frequently battled towards the later Eastern Empire.

What was the Sasanian Empire?


The first Etruscan King of Rome, famous for building the Circus Maximus and expanding the size of the senate to 300 men.

Who was Lucius Tarquinius Priscus?


The two esteemed Romans who were appointed the first two consuls of the newly formed Roman Republic.

Who were Lucius Junius Brutus and Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus?


A Roman politician and Tribune of the Plebs who terrorized the Senate and the streets of Rome with his street gang.

Who was Publius Clodius Pulcher?


The Roman Emperor whose death marked the beginning of The Crisis of the Third Century.

Who was Severus Alexander?


The Germanic general who influenced the Western Roman throne shortly before it's fall.

Who was Ricimer?