The Kings
The Early Republic
The Early and Middle Republic
The Middle and Late Republic
The Empire
The date of the founding of Rome
What is 753 BC
The first two consuls
Who are Brutus and Collatinus?
These were established so that all the people of Rome might know the laws
What is the Law of the Twelve Tables?
Scipio Africanus defeated Hannibal in this great battle.
What is the Battle of Zama?
The only title officially claimed by Octavian
What is Princeps?
The first king of Rome who appointed this many elders to serve as an advisory board
Who is Romulus and what is 100?
These people were led under this king to try to regain control of Rome
What are the Etruscans and who is Lars Porsena?
Rome began to conquer land and people off the Italian peninsula during this war. (be specific)
What is First Punic War?
He destroyed Carthage in the Third Punic War
Who is Scipio Aemilianus?
In this time period, the Roman Senate and the emperor ruled jointly
What is the Principate?
Rome was said to have been built on this many hills
What is seven?
Two great heroes of the early Republic who helped defend the Romans against the Etruscans. One voluntarily put is right hand in a fire to prove the intestinal fortitude of the Romans and the other defended the only bridge into Rome.
What are Mucius Scaevolo and Horatius Cocles?
The Punic Wars were fought against these people.
Who are the Carthaginians?
He introduced land reforms and was elected Tribune of the People, even though he was an Optimate!
Who is Tiberius Gracchus?
This was established under Augustus and began an almost 200 year period of world peace and prosperity
What is the Pax Romana?
The kingdom period included this many kings
What is seven?
These two heroes helped keep Rome strong. One of them left his plow and became dictator but gave up his power after defeating the enemy in two weeks. The other was said to have been born with teeth.
What are Cincinnatus and Dentatus?
Rome gained possession of this land as a result of the First Punic War
What is Sicily?
The last century of the Republic was marked by civil wars. These are some of the principle personalities of these years of conflict
What are: Marius vs. Sulla Julius Caesar vs. Pompey Antony and Octavian vs. Caesar's assassins Antony vs. Octavian
The Four Good Emperors
Who are Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius
The man known as the pater patriae of Rome who led a rebellion to drive out the last king
Who is Lucius Junius Brutus?
Three ways in which Rome was able to conquer the Italian peninsula
What are wars, alliances, and colonies?
The two great military generals of the Second Punic War.
Who are Hannibal and Scipio Africanus?
The Roman Senate gave Octavian this title
What is Augustus?
He divided the Empire into the East and the West
Who is Diocletian?