Section 8-1
Section 8-2
Section 8-3
Section 8-4
Section 9-1
Romans rebelled from their Etruscan king and formed this type of government where citizens vote for their leaders.
What is a republic.
Both these groups had the right to vote, payed taxes and served in the army. But only one group of people got to serve as government officials.
What is patricians and plebeians.
The Gracchus Brothers tried to reform this unfair type of system where large farming estates put wealth in the hands of a few owners. A large farming estates was called:
What is latifundia.
These human-made channels brought water from the hills around Rome down towards the city, where it was then pumped into wealthy homes.
What are aqueducts.
People gathered at this central location in town where people would purchase goods or debate politics.
What is a Forum.
Rome was the earliest city in Italy. Its site was selected because of two features that made it difficult to attack.
What is Rome was built 15 miles up the Tiber River and on the Seven Hills.
These sets of laws, carved on bronze tablets, were displayed at the Forum, and played a role in the creation of our U.S. Constitution.
What are the Twelve Tables.
Crassus, Pompey and Caesar formed this type of government power share for the first time in the Roman Republic. It didn't last very long, as people in power don't always "play well with others".
What is a triumvirate.
Soon after defeating the Second Triumvirate, Octavian changes his named to the "revered one".
What is the name Augustus.
In order to get their minds off of daily life during the Empire, people were given cheap food and entertainment. This was known as:
What is "bread and circuses".
These types of smaller groups within the Roman army were made up of 6,000 men. Each had its own standard so that soldiers could stay with his unit.
What is a legion.
These jobs were an important part of the government. They interpreted laws and acted as judges in court cases. (Much like our U.S. Supreme Court today!)
What is a praetor.
These two figures get most of the credit as members of the Senate who stabbed Caesar underneath a statue of Pompey on the Ides of March. Et tu, Brute?
Who are Brutus and Cassius.
This 200 year of peace and prosperity is called
What is Pax Romana.
Women had few rights and were not considered adults until they were married. They were part of this type of family system.
What is a paterfamillias.
This group of people who were native to the Italian peninsula were skilled metalworkers and miners. They played a major influence in the development of Rome.
Who are the Etruscans.
Romans were no match for the Carthaginians during the First Punic War. What did they have to build in order to compete with them? (Hint: they found a Carthaginian one and copied it!)
What is a fleet of ships / navy.
Octavian defeated Antony and Lepidus to end the reign of the Second Triumvirate. He didn't declare himself dictator, but this prominent public speaker argued against the type of one person rule that Octavian wanted for Rome.
Who is Cicero.
Augustus reformed the ___________ system, specifically this part of government because he could then collect more money from the Romans. He made tax collectors permanent government employees.
What is reforming the tax and legal system.
What was life like for the poor people living in Rome. Describe their living conditions and how the Roman government tried to make them happy.
Poor lived in wood and stone apartments. Many city blocks were destroyed because fire burn down apartment buildings. They did not have running water. Government officials tried to appease the poor by giving them cheap forms of food and entertainment.
Roman civilization was influenced by these five Greek features.
What is farming (growing olives and grapes), architecture, sculpture, literature, and the adoption of the alphabet.
The Roman Senate was a group of 300 men who performed these two important tasks.
What are propose the laws and debate on important issues.
These four reforms were introduced by Julius Caesar that increased his popularity with the poor and working-class. (He knew reforms were needed!)
What is grant citizenship to people living outside of the Italian peninsula; started new colonies to give land to the landless; created jobs program for Rome's jobless; ordered landowners using slave labor to hire more free workers.
When trading was at its height in the Roman Empire, common currency made it more efficient to trade. Why was the creation of one currency so important?
What is it created a common currency accepted throughout the empire which united all people under the Roman Empire. It made it easier for people to price goods, trade, and ship products all over the territories.
Daily Double.
What is Mr. Allard gets to ask any hard question that he wants.