Who was the first emperor of Rome?
Augustus (formerly known as Octavian)
In what modern day country is Rome found in?
This was someone elected to represent the upper class of Roman citizens.
What is the Roman invention that allowed cold and clean water to be brought from mountains many miles away to the cities & baths.
The late Roman Empire had a strong military which helped cause it to decline & fall.
What event marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire?
The assassination of Julius Caesar
What is the name for the common farmers, merchants, artisans, that made up the majority of Roman citizens.
This is the name (title) for the 2 officials who shared powers of ruling the roman republic and they were both limited to ONE year in power.
What was the name of the Roman province that corresponds to modern-day France?
The Roman Empire, even as it was declining, used the following type of government system from 40 b.c.e. until 476 c.e.
Monarchy or dictatorship
Which famous Roman general fought another Roman General and eventually became the "Dictator for life"
Julius Caesar
Who were the common people of Rome, distinct from the nobility and aristocracy?
Who was the Roman general and dictator known for his military reforms and victories in Gaul?
Julius Caesar
What does the Pax Romana literally mean? & what does it refer to?
Roman peace
Roman prosperity or impressive roman trade making rome very rich
This occurred in the later Roman empire period in which there was a drastic drop in the value of money coupled with rising prices for items. What is this known as?
Inflation or depression
A ___________________ is a government run by elected officials
What is the title for the type of person who is elected by the common people to represent the lower class of Romans with regards to laws & government.
This is the name (title) for the Roman citizens who were wealthy.
The United States government is based off of the government form used in the "Roman Empire" that lasted from 40 B.C.E. until 476 c.e.
This group of people were sometimes used as soldiers although they were considered as "barbarians" / foreignors.
Any Germanic tribe (Angles, Saxons, Franks, Vandals, Goths, etc.)
What was the name of the conflict between Rome and Carthage that lasted for three wars?
The Punic Wars
What was the title given to the elected officials who served as chief executives of the Roman Republic?
What began in approximately 500 b.c.e and lasted until approximately 40 b.c.e.
Roman Republic
Senators were voted in the Roman Republic & the Roman Empire by the _________________.
What could be seen as a political trouble that helped to lead to the fall of the Roman empire in 476 c.e.
citizen lost patriotism or loyalty to Rome
OR Few people wanted to serve in the government
OR Corruption with bribes, etc.