How were Roman towns connected?
Trade provided people...
basic necessities and materials
What caused trade to drop drastically after the fall of Rome?
The broken roads
How did towns persist?
The inhabitants that stayed there tended to the town.
What was the typical population for a Roman town?
50 thousand to 100 thousand
Trade Routes could travel on foot, by cart, or...
Towns were quickly...
abandoned or destroyed
They learned new skills that helped them survive
Trade helped Roman towns by...
The most popular items traded were...
Spices, wool, and silk
Lose their jobs and abandon the towns
The inhabitants that held up the town were...
Farmers and workers
Roman towns stretched across...
What is a career that specifically needed an item that was traded?
Barbarian attacks
Trade was also boosted because...
they had resources they did not have before
Towns in the middle east were mostly controlled by...
Papyrus is an item that was also often traded. What is papyrus?
Who stole Graces chocolate?
These small towns also gained important figures, which were...