In what centuries did Romanesque art develop?
11th and 12th centuries
What is the "law of the frame" in Romanesque sculpture?
Figures were shaped to fit within the available space.
What shape did most Romanesque churches follow?
A Latin Cross
What does a tympanum often show?
The Final Judgment (Heaven vs Hell)
Romanesque artisit used art to teach people lessons. What are some ways we learn lessons today without reading?
Through images, symbols, signs, and even cartoons or movies.
What was the main purpose of Romanesque art?
To teach Christian beliefs to people who couldn't read.
How do Romanesque figures look? Name two characteristics.
Stiff, long, expressionless, and not realistic
What type of arch is most commonly used in Romanesque architecture?
A rounded arch
What does Jesus often hold or do in Romanesque art?
He holds a book or blesses with his hands
Romanesque art shows a clear difference between Heaven and Hell. Can you name an example of a "heavenly" place and a "hellish" place in your own life.
( Open ended: Could be a favorite place vs. a stressful or scary place)
What group of peole helped spread Romanesque style across Europe?
Monk form Cluny (France)
What are Frescoes, and where are thye painted?
Painting made directly on wet plaster,found on church walls
What is a barrel vault?
A curved, tunnel-like ceiling madde from stone.
What do demons and tortured souls in Romanesque art represent?
The consequences of sin (Hell)
Romanesque sculptures were not realistic but meant to show emotions or messages. Can you think of a random modern symbol that represents a big idea (like love, danger, or happiness)?
Examples: A heart for love a skull for danger, a smiley face for happiness, a watermelon for palestine
What type of material was mostly used for Romanesque buildings?
What colors were commonly used in Romanesque paintings?
Red, blue, gold and black (with bold outline)
What are buttresses used for?
To support heavy stone walls from falling?
Why do figures in Romanesque art look so serious and unnatural?
To show their eternal spiritual nature rather than realism.
If you had to create a Romanesque-style paiting about your own life, what two opposite ideas would you include (like Heaven and Hell) ?
( Open- ended: Could be kindness vs. bullying, hard work vs. laziness, etc.)
Name two reasons why Romanesque churches had small windows?
1) Thick stone walls couldn't support large openings, 2) To create a mysterious and spiritual atmopshpere
What is the main difference between Romanesque Relief sculptures and Freestanding sculptures?
Why were pilgrimage churches built differenly from regular churches?
They had extra walkways so pilgrams could visit relics without disturbing worship
What do halos in paitings and sculptures usually mean?
The person is holy or a saint.
Imagine you're designing a Romanesque church today. What is one modern thing you would include to help people understand messages without words?
(open- ended: Could be digital screens, stained glass with modern events, interactive displays. etc.)