This verse says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
What is Romans 3:23?
According to Romans 3:23, this is what all humans have done.
What is sin?
This is the central theme of Romans 3:23.
What is sin?
This is the first step in recognizing the need for salvation according to Romans 3:23.
What is admitting you have sinned or repent?
In Romans 3:27-28, we shall NOT do this when we receive divine righteousness. We are justified by faith, apart from the works of the law.
What is boasting?
This verse contrasts the wages of sin with the gift of God, offering eternal life through Jesus.
What is Romans 6:23?
Romans 6:23 tells us that this is the consequence of sin.
What is death?
Romans 6:23 talks about these two contrasting outcomes.
Question: What are death and eternal life?
The gift of God mentioned in Romans 6:23.
What is eternal life?
According to Romans 5:1, this is what believers experience as a result of being justified through faith.
What is peace with God?
This verse demonstrates God's love by stating that Christ died for us while we were still sinners.
What is Romans 5:8?
According to Romans 5:8, this is how God shows His love for us.
What is Christ dying for us while we were still sinners (enemies of God)?
Romans 5:8 highlights this ultimate act of love.
What is Christ's death for sinners?
The demonstration of God's love mentioned in Romans 5:8.
What is Christ dying for us?
This fruit of the Spirit, often resulting from the peace described in Romans 5:1, should be evident in a believer's life.
What is joy?
This Romans verse explains that if you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
What is Romans 10:9-10?
Romans 10:9-10 emphasizes the importance of declaring this aloud.
Who is the "Jesus is Lord"?
In order to be saved, Romans 10:9-10 combines belief in the heart with this other action.
What is confessing with your mouth?
The two actions mentioned in Romans 10:9-10 necessary for salvation.
What are declaring "Jesus is Lord" and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead?
Living according to Romans 6:23, Christians should view this as a gift rather than something to be earned.
What is eternal life?
This verse promises that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
What is Romans 10:13?
Romans 10:13 assures us that this action leads to salvation.
What is calling on the name of the Lord?
Romans 10:13 offers this promise to everyone who trusts in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
What is salvation?
This is evidence of real faith, declaring this phrase from your mouth and believing what in your heart.
What is "Jesus is Lord" and believe Jesus was resurrected/raised from the dead?
This motivation sparked in Romans 5:8, compels Christians to spread the gospel.
What is knowing God's love?