Gothic Literature
Literary Devices
Story Elements
Transcendentalists believed that man could connect with God through this instead of conventional religion.
What is nature
Dark Romanticism or a this of Romanticism that fed off of American Transcendentalism.
What is sub category
The author who spent 2 years at Walden Pond contemplating the power of the individual
Who is Thoreau
Give an example of alliteration
Answers vary. Example: Sally sold sea shells by the sea shore.
Romeo and Juliet is an example of which gothic story element?
What is powerful love/ love parted by family feud.
Transcendentalist thinkers valued this, or gut instinct, as opposed to reason.
Dark Romantics were this by Transcendentalists but did not completely embrace all of their ideas.
What is influenced.
The author of “Self-Reliance” who was close with Thoreau and lent him the home at Walden Pond
Who is Ralph Waldo Emerson
Where are some likely places to find examples of alliteration?
What are song lyrics and novels.
Rain or water is an example of this type of symbol
What is primordial
Individualists such as a these men were inspired by Transcendentalist thinkers.
Who is Mohandas Gandhi and Nelson Mandela
The Dark Romantics were much less this about nature and mankind as a whole.
What is optimistic
Author of works such as “The Raven” and “The Cask of Amontillado,” Commonly known as the father of modern horror
Who is Edgar Allan Poe
What purpose does repetition serve in a piece of literature.
What rhythm, flow Strengthening a point or theme persuasion
Doors creaking down an empty hallway and floorboards creaking are examples of what element?
What is metonymy of gloom and horror.
In “Rip Van Winkle” by Washington Irving, these events are considered “Romantic,” or fitting for the Romantic period.
What is supernatural elements, Romantic Hero, respect for nature.
Gothic writers focused on the this side of human nature.
What is the dark side
Author that was preoccupied with his Puritan past and abhorred the restrictive and shaming lifestyle of his ancestors Viewed Puritans as hypocritical
Who is Nathaniel Hawthorne
Figurative language that compares two things using "is" or "was."
What is a metaphor.
Give at least three examples of appropriate themes for a piece of gothic literature.
Answers vary. Lost love, people are essentially evil, trust no one
What is people enjoy horror and examining the unconscious desires of the human mind. Suspense, mystery We often find realistic horror much more terrifying than unrealistic creations. What is metonymy of gloom and horror, gothic elements, vocabulary of the gothic, primordial symbols and romance.
Despite the optimism of the Transcendentalist, most people prefer to read gothic literature. Give 3 reasons why that is. Also, give 3 essential elements necessary to creating a gothic story.
Poe's focus his literature predominantly on these themes
What is insanity, lost love and violence
Name at least 2 of the stories we read in this unit and their major themes.
What is The Raven- insanity/ lost love The Black Cat- insanity/ murder/ lost touch with reality Young Goodman Brown- Loss of faith
"The rise in poverty will unlock the Pandora’s box of crimes." Is an example of
What is allusion
A strong gothic story should contain all of the following
Gothic elements, the metonymy of gloom and horror, primordial symbols, gothic vocabulary, elements of romance.