Who was Julius Caesar?
He was a general and statesman.
What are aqueducts?
Aqueducts are channels that are used to bring fresh water to cities.
What is Christianity?
The faith in Jesus Christ.
What is the bible?
The Bible is a holy scripture of Christianity telling the history of the earth from creation to the spread of Christianity in the first century A.D.
What does resurrection mean?
Rise from the dead.
What is one of the reasons he gained lots of supporters?
Through his speeches.
How many years ago were aqueducts built?
500 years ago.
What religion is it similar to?
It is similar to Judaism.
What is the first part of the bible about?
The first part is the Old Testament. It is like the Hebrew bible and tells the history of Hebrew and Jewish people.
When did resurrection happen?
Three days after Jesus was executed from crucifixion.
Who did Julius Caesar rule Rome with for 10 years?
Pompey and Crassus.
About how many aqueducts are in Rome?
There are about 11 aqueducts.
What did Christianity provide to Rome?
It provided equality.
What is the second part of the bible about?
The second part is the New Testament. It is sacred to Christians. It contains the life and teachings of Jesus. There are also some letters written.
What does resurrection give Christians?
It gives them hope that they are safe.
Where did Julius Caesar conquer between 58 and 50 BCE?
He conquered Gaul.
What was water carried through?
Pipes, water channels, and trenches.
Who brought Christianity to Rome?
The apostles Peter and Paul brought Christianity to Rome.
According to the New Testament where was Jesus born?
Where was Jesus’s resurrection told?
In the Old Testament, a letter from Paul talks about Jesus’s resurrection.
What happened once Julius Caesar got back from Gaul?
He became popular and his friends were jealous so they commanded him to give up his armies.
When was the first aqueduct built?
The first aqueduct was built in 312 BC.
When did Christianity come to Rome?
It came to Rome in 313 CE.
What areas of culture has the bible influenced?
Government, education, music, art, history, and religion.
What happened after Jesus’s resurrection?
Many of his followers claimed to see him. There were abut 500 witnesses.