What kind of leader did Caesar make himself for life?
He made himself a dictator for life.
Was Julius Caesar a military leader?
True or False?
Who took over Caesar's position in the empire after he died?
Octavian - His grandnephew.
Who was apart of the 2nd Triumvirate?
Lepidus, Octavian, Mark Antony
Why was Rome so successful?
Strong military, everyone was disciplined and loyal. One example is how they stationed the military in frontier areas and grew out the empire using the military. They treated people in the empire fairly and all the same and gave citizenship to everyone to no one would rebel. They would discipline you if you rebelled to make sure you are respectful and don't break rules. Rome had amazing rulers who treated citizens well and advanced the empire in many ways. One example is Julius Caesar giving out money, and citizenships.
What does Caesar do 4 the people who are loyal 2 him
What does Caesar do 4 the unemployed?
What does Caesar do to make himself popular?
He appoints them to senate.
He gives them jobs.
He introduces reforms.
Who was apart of the first triumvirate?
Julius Caesar, Crassus, Pompey.
Who was a part of the 2nd triumvirate?
Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus.
Why did Caesar get killed?
They thought he wanted to be king.
What led to Rome's decline?
Pax Romana ends and leads to violence. The government grew weak, and this is because the military kept demanding for money. Many services became less and less attractive - leading to food shortages. Another reason leading to the decline is civil war breaking out after a good emperor died. # of invasions started to increase because of having no borders in Rome. Many emperors died trying to help Rome go back to its original way but were never able to do it.
What did the Roman empire create that we use everyday?
365 day calendar.
Who controlled what country?
Caesar - Gaul
Pompey - Spain
Crassus -
Why was Caesar popular with poor people?
He gave jobs to the unemployed.
When did Rome become an empire?
After Octavian kicked Lepidus and Cleopatria out of Egypt.
Why did some people hate Caesar?
They thought he wanted to be king.
Why does the senate fear Caesar?
He thinks he is becoming too powerful/popular.
What is a republic?
Where citizens vote for a ruler.
Where did Octavian beat Mark Antony?
Battle of Actium
What kind of war started after Caesar's death?
A civil war.
Who does the senate support, and what does he tell Caesar?
How does Caesar react to this?
He supports Pompey and tells Caesar to leave and return to Rome without his troops.
Caesar takes his troops and attacks Pompey and leads them across the Rubicon river.
Who was killed by his Praetorian Guard?
What was a common benefit of the 5 good emperors?
They used tax money to build monuments.