Where is the story set?
Where is Verona
What does Romeo compare Juliet to on her balcony?
The morning sun
Why did Tybalt and Mercutio get into a fight?
Tybalt was looking for Romeo.
What day of the week did Paris wish to marry Juliet?
Originally Thursday, but was moved to Wednesday
Why didn't Romeo receive word of the plan?
The carrier of the letter couldn't deliver it to Romeo in time. - Friar John got quarantined
What is the name of the woman Romeo thinks he loves at first?
Who is Rosaline
What do Romeo and Juliet decide to do by the end of Act 2, Scene 2?
They decided to get married
Why did Benvolio think there would be a fight?
The weather was hot
What did Juliet threaten Friar Lawrence with if he didn't help her?
She threatened to kill herself
Why was Paris in Juliet's tomb?
To spread flowers around her, and cry tears.
Why are Romeo and Juliet called "star-crossed lovers"?
Because their families are feuding
What was Friar Lawrence gathering in his basket?
Herbs and flowers
Why does Romeo call himself "fortune's fool"?
Because he has bad luck
If the potion didn't work, what would Juliet have done?
She would have killed herself
Why does Juliet kiss Romeo after she finds out he is dead?
She hopes to be able to get some of the poison for herself off of his lips.
Who is fighting at the beginning of Act 1, Scene 1?
Lord Capulet and Lord Montague
What embarrasses Juliet in Act 2, Scene 2?
He was secretly listening to her private thoughts
Why does Romeo refuse to fight Tybalt?
Because they are now cousins.
What is happening in Act 4, Scene 4?
The Capulets discover the "death" of their daughter.
What does Friar Lawrence tell Friar John to do?
To get a crowbar, and open the tomb.
What does Romeo say about Juliet the first time he sees her?
She is the most beautiful girl he's ever seen
Why did Friar Lawrence not like that Romeo moved on from Rosaline so quickly?
He was worried that Romeo only "loved" Juliet through his eyes, not through his heart.
What does it mean to be a "king of cats"?
To be a skilled, yet hot-headed fighter.
Why is Juliet scared of taking the potion?
She is anxious that the potion is poison
Who does Romeo get into a fight with in the cemetery?