
Why does Romeo at first try to stop the fight with Tybalt in Act III, Scene i, of The  Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? Choose two options. 

a. Romeo wants peace between his own family and his new wife’s relations. b. Romeo fears fighting will force him into exile from his new wife. 

c. Romeo fears that Mercutio will be severely injured or killed. 

d. Romeo admires Tybalt, even though Tybalt is a Capulet. 

e. Romeo feels connected to members of Juliet’s family.

a. Romeo wants peace between his own family and his new wife’s relations. b. Romeo fears fighting will force him into exile from his new wife.

e. Romeo feels connected to members of Juliet’s family.


What does pardon mean?

forgiven for a crime


After he is wounded in Act III of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio says,  “A plague a both your houses! / They have made worms’ meat of me.” Which of  these statements is the best paraphrase of Mercutio’s words? 

a. Curse both the Capulets and the Montagues. Their feud has killed me.

b. My wounds are like a plague spreading in people’s houses. They will kill  me. 

c. I am too weak to enter any of the houses. Tybalt and his friends have  killed me. 

d. The feud between the two families is like a plague whose germs are like  fat worms.

a. Curse both the Capulets and the Montagues. Their feud has killed me.


What is a monologue?

long speech directed to someone


How many oceans are there on earth?



Why does Romeo ultimately kill Tybalt in Act III, Scene i, of The Tragedy of  Romeo and Juliet? 

a. Tybalt calls Romeo a villain. 

b. Tybalt threatens Benvolio. 

c. Tybalt kills Mercutio. 

d. Tybalt is a Capulet. 

c. Tybalt kills Mercutio. 


 What is the most likely meaning of exile as it is used in this sentence? 

After long consideration, the queen chose to exile her former advisor to another  country for his part in the crime. 

a. reward someone for courageous support of a nation’s leader 

b. punish someone by forcing the person to leave a place permanently

c. forgive someone for a criminal act because the act was unintentional d. send someone to prison for committing a crime against the  


b. punish someone by forcing the person to leave a place permanently


 In Act III, Scene v, of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Lady Capulet believes  Juliet is grieving Tybalt’s death. She tells Juliet, “Therefore have done. Some grief  shows much of love; / But much of grief shows still some want of wit.” What is  the best paraphrase of this passage? 

a. Therefore, keep crying. Eventually you will work out your grief. 

b. So stop grieving. Some mourning expresses love, but too much is foolish.

c. We all feel grief at a person’s death, whether we loved the person or not. 

d. So end your mourning. Some grieving shows a great deal of love, but too  much suggests you are trying to be clever. 

b. So stop grieving. Some mourning expresses love, but too much is foolish.


What is a soliloquy?

long speech directed toward yourself


Mr. McLaughlin was said to look like this cartoon character when he wore a sweater and scarf/

Who is Gru from Descicable Me?


After Tybalt’s death in Act III of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, how does the  Prince punish Romeo? 

a. with banishment 

b. with a death sentence 

c. with loss of his noble title 

d. with imprisonment for life 

a. with banishment 


Which of the following situations best illustrates what happens to someone who  experiences banishment? 

a. The person is forgiven for a crime in exchange for providing evidence  against more important criminals. 

b. The person is invited to return home after working in government service  in another country. 

c. The person packs his or her belongings and leaves the country, probably  never to return.

d. The person receives an award for courageous service to his or her  country. 

c. The person packs his or her belongings and leaves the country, probably  never to return.


 In these lines from Act III, Scene v, of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, to whom  is Juliet speaking? 

Lady Capulet. That same villain Romeo. 

Juliet. [Aside] Villain and he be many miles asunder. — 

God pardon him! I do, with all my heart; 

And yet no man like he doth grieve my heart. 

a. Lady Capulet 

b. the audience 

c. the Nurse 

d. Romeo

b. the audience 


In Act III, Scene ii, of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet delivers a long  speech directed to the Nurse. What is the correct term for this type of speech? 

a. monologue 

b. soliloquy 

c. aside 

d. foil

a. monologue 


What color is 




. What is the main purpose of Act III, Scene iv, of The Tragedy of Romeo and  Juliet, in which Juliet’s parents speak with Paris? 

a. to prove that Juliet is grieving over the death of Tybalt 

b. to stress Lady Capulet’s opposition to the marriage of Paris and Juliet c. to show that Capulet will pursue the feud between the families  


d. to show Capulet’s decision that Juliet will marry Paris the following  Thursday

d. to show Capulet’s decision that Juliet will marry Paris the following  Thursday


 If the President were to pardon someone who has been convicted of a crime and  sent to prison, which of the following must be true? Base your answer on the  meaning of pardon. 

a. The person would be freed from prison. 

b. The person would serve a longer sentence. 

c. The person would be forced to leave the country. 

d. The person would not be allowed to testify in his or her defense.

a. The person would be freed from prison. 


By the end of Act III of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, how has Juliet  come to regard the Nurse? 

a. with gratitude 

b. with admiration 

c. with resentment

d. with indifference 

c. with resentment


What is an aside?

a remark or passage in a play that is intended to be heard by the audience but unheard by the other characters in the play.


Which continent is closest to Antarctica: South America, Australia, or Africa?

South America


 At the end of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Act III, what does Juliet decide  to do? 

a. tell her parents the truth about her marriage 

b. visit Friar Lawrence in his cell to seek his advice

c. plead with the Prince to lift the decree of Romeo’s banishment 

d. send a message to Romeo telling him it is not safe to remain in  Verona 

b. visit Friar Lawrence in his cell to seek his advice


 The word extract comes from the Latin root word -tract-, which means “to draw or  pull,” plus the prefix ex-. Based on this information as well as your knowledge of  the prefix ex-, identify the choice that best describes what it means to extract a  tooth. 

a. to repair or fix the tooth 

b. to chip or damage the tooth 

c. to take out or remove the tooth 

d. to push or put pressure on the tooth

c. to take out or remove the tooth 


Read this excerpt from the beginning of Scene ii of The Tragedy of Romeo  and Juliet, Act III. 

Juliet. Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds, 

Towards Phoebus’ lodging! Such a wagoner 

As Phaëthon would whip you to the west 

And bring in cloudy night immediately. 

Spread thy close curtain, love-performing night, 

That runaways’ eyes may wink, and Romeo 

Leap to these arms untalked of and unseen. 

Juliet is on stage alone as she delivers this long speech. What term is used to  describe this speech? 

a. aside 

b. dialogue 

c. soliloquy 

d. monologue

c. soliloquy


Which two phrases are parallel? At my wedding, I don't want to dance the waltz, but to dance the salsa. 

dance the waltz/dance the salsa


Which of these songs was not released in the 1990s: "Waterfalls" by TLC, "My Confessions" by Usher, or "Remember the Time" by Michael Jackson?

"My Confessions" by Usher