Avengers: Endgame
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Avengers: Infinity War

Complete the line from the Act 1 Prologue: "A pair of ___________ take their life."

star-crossed lovers


In the Balcony scene, what does the imagery of "light" and "dark" represent?

Light = truth and dark = deception


When the Prince scolds both families, he includes information about how the citizens of Verona have had to act because of the fights. What was it that the citizens had to do?

They had to leave their beds and come to break up the fight between the Montagues and Capulets

To whom does the following line refer?: "Many a morning hath he there been seen, With tears augmenting the fresh morning's dew..."

Romeo (he's crying in the woods)


What warning does Friar Lawrence give to Romeo in his last line of Act 2 scene 3?

He warns him to take things slowly, because, "They stumble that run fast."


What well-known line does the Friar Lawrence offer in warning to Romeo in Act 2 scene 6? What does he mean?

He says, "These violent delights have violent ends...". He's (again) telling Romeo to proceed cautiously, because he feels that things which happen suddenly and cause great joy can also leave suddenly and cause great sadness or harm. Foreshadowing level: 100.


When Queen Mab rides her chariot over sleeping lawyer's fingers, what do they dream of?

Fees ("O'er lawyer's fingers who straight dream on fees..."


Why is Cupid mentioned in the Act 2 scene 4 conversation between Mercutio and Benvolio?

Mercutio says that Romeo might as well be dead already because he's been shot by Cupid's arrow. He still believes Romeo to be in love with Rosaline.


What is unique about the format of Romeo and Juliet's first conversation?

It is a shared sonnet that they complete in alternating lines.


What type of imagery is used constantly in the first few lines of the balcony scene?

Celestial imagery- Imagery relating to the sky or astronomy


What are the formatting rules of a Shakespearean sonnet?

14 lines with a rhyme scheme ABABCDCDEFEFGG and all 14 lines are written in iambic pentameter (10 beats per line).


When Romeo sees Juliet for the first time, what does he wonder about his heart?

He wonders whether it had actually felt love until that moment. "Did my heart love til now?"


What role does Act 1 play when it comes to social tiers in Verona?

It introduces us to all of them, from servants up to the Prince.


In the balcony scene, how is the role of the sun different from what a reader would typically expect?

The sun is usually considered warming, nourishing, and life-giving, but here it is described as violent and destructive and wanting to kill the moon.


What is the first thing Sampson does in Act 1 to trigger an argument with Abram?

He bites his thumb at him.


According to Mercutio, what are the spokes of Queen Mab's wagon made from?

The legs of spiders


In the Balcony Scene, Juliet worries what would happen if Romeo were a bird, something he had said moments before. What's her worry, and why are these lines noteworthy?

She worries that if he was a bird she would kill him by loving him too much. This ends up foreshadowing their deaths due to their love for one another- Later on, Juliet takes a sleeping potion, and Romeo mistakes her as dead, drinks a poison, and dies. Juliet, awaking and seeing Romeo dead, stabs herself. They really do die by "loving each other too much."


What does Juliet admit is odd about her ability to recognize Romeo's voice in the Balcony Scene?

She says she hasn't yet heard him speak 100 words but still knows his voice.


Explain Lord Capulet's view of Juliet getting married.

He feels that his decision about who she should marry is only part of the equation, and that Juliet should have a big role in who she marries. This is slightly different from a typical view, as normally noble fathers would choose their daughter's husband and she would have almost no say at all in the decision.


What object does Mercutio describe the nurse as when she first walks onstage in Act 2 scene 4?

He calls her a "sail." As in, she's a bigger woman and wearing white clothing, so he insults her by shouting what a sailor would shout when they see another boat.


What is the nurse heading off to get for Romeo and Juliet at the end of Act 2 scene 5?

A rope ladder, so Romeo can climb up to Juliet's window.

Who recognizes Romeo at the Capulet party, and how?

Tybalt hears his voice and recognizes it.

The Act 2 Prologue describes what happened to Romeo's feelings towards Rosaline. How is this foreshadowing?

The lines say that his love for her died. This is foreshadowing because we know his love for Juliet will actually cause him to die.

In the Balcony Scene, how are Romeo and Juliet's physical locations misaligned with their words/focus?

Romeo constantly references things that are above him like birds and the sky, but he is down below on the ground. Juliet on the other hand is up high, but seems way more "grounded" in terms of thinking logically about the situation they are currently in.


What two memorable events does the nurse use to help her justify remembering Juliet's age?

-There was an earthquake

-Juliet stopped breastfeeding