To which family does Juliet belong?
Juliet finds out that Romeo is a __________.
How does Tybalt let Romeo know he wants to fight?
Sends him a letter
Who is Romeo’s mentor and spiritual advisor?
Friar Lawrence.
Who brings up marriage first?
Define adversary
person who opposes or fights against another
This story mainly takes place in _______________________________, Italy.
Romeo finds out that Juliet is a __________.
This character is aggressive and combative.
Why does the Friar finally agree to marry Romeo and Juliet?
He believes it will stop the feud between the families.
Why does Paris fight Romeo?
Paris saw Romeo breaking into Juliet's tomb (not knowing they were married) and thought he was going to violate Juliet's body or vandalize the tomb
Define grievance
injustice, complaint
What happens if the Prince catches the two houses fighting again?
They'll pay with their lives/be executed
Romeo goes to the party to see ______________.
Why does Romeo ultimately kill Tybalt?
Because Tybalt killed Mercutio.
Which member of the Capulet household is not only aware of the marriage, but is assisting with it?
The nurse.
What does Juliet think of the nurse after she tells her to leave Romeo for Paris?
She no longer trusts the nurse or tells her any secrets/feels betrayed
Define pernicious
causing great injury or ruin
When Lady Capulet tells Juliet of the plans to marry Paris, how does Juliet feel about marriage?
She says marriage is an honor she does not dream of.
Who is Romeo's inappropriate/humorous friend?
At the start of the balcony scene, who doesn't see whom?
Juliet doesn't see Romeo
How does the Prince punish Romeo after he kills Tybalt.
Banishes him to Mantua.
Why do Juliet’s parents think she is sad?
Because of Tybalt’s death
Define haughty
arrogant; stuck up
Why does Romeo try to stop the fight with Tybalt at first in Act 3?
He wants peace between his family and his new wife's family.
Who is Lord Capulet worried about starting a fight?
What do Romeo and Juliet plan to do the following day after the balcony scene?
Get married.
What does Juliet mean when she says, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet?"
She loves Romeo even though his name is Montague.
Why does Paris visit the churchyard at night?
He's grieving Juliet and is going to put flowers on her grave
Define disperse
break up and scatter in all directions; spread about; distribute widely
What is the main purpose of the prologue?
to set the scene for the play as a whole
The Prince is an important figure in Verona. What is his name?
What is the name of the rhythmic pattern Shakespeare most commonly uses?
Iambic Pentameter
What are Mercutio's last words?
A plague on both your houses
State a theme of the play.
Hasty, reckless actions may have disastrous consequences OR Feuds and vengeance bring tragedy
What is a tragic hero?
A noble figure who meets with disaster because of fate or character flaws.