Basic Info
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Act 5
Vocab Words

Where does Romeo and Juliet take place? (Setting)

Verona, Italy


Who is Romeo in love with at the beginning of the play?



How long did Romeo and Juliet know each other when they decided to get married?


(Talk about moving fast!)


Who dies in this Act?

Mercutio and Tybalt

Explain the Friar's plan to prevent Juliet from marrying Paris

1. Juliet pretends to want to marry Paris

2. Juliet goes to bed, alone, and drinks the potion to appear dead

3. Paris finds her the next morning and thinks she is dead

4. Juliet's body is taken to the Capulet tomb

5. Meanwhile, Friar Laurence will get word to Romeo about the plan

6. Friar Laurence and Romeo will be there when she wakes, and she will go to Mantua with Romeo


Who told Romeo that Juliet was dead? (Tell me the name or the title of the person!)

Balthasar, Romeo's servant


When the audience knows something that the characters do NOT

*Bonus points if you can give me an example! (Either from our play or something you come up with!)

Dramatic Irony

Who wrote the play?

William Shakespeare


Who asks Lord Capulet for permission to marry Juliet?

Count Paris


What does Juliet mean when she asks "Wherefore art thou Romeo?"

"Why are you 'Romeo'?"

She is asking why Romeo has to be a Montague because their love is forbidden.


Who said the following quote and why did they say it?

"A plague on both your houses!"

*Bonus points if you can tell me what type of figurative language this quote is!


He blamed the family feud for his death and wanted both families to be punished for the parts they played in the feud

Idiom-- A commonly used phrase amongst a group of people/society to express something


What reason does Paris give Friar Laurence for needing to marry Juliet so soon? How does Friar Laurence react to this?

Paris explains that Lord Capulet believes that a quick marriage will end Juliet's grief over Tybalt

Friar Laurence says he doesn't think the marriage is a good idea because Paris doesn't even know if Juliet wants the marriage.


Why does Romeo ask for a pen and paper? 

*Hint: We find this out later towards the end of Act 5 Scene 3

He wrote a letter to his father telling him about his secret marriage to Juliet and his plans to end his life in the tomb with Juliet's body


Two opposite words are put together to create a new meaning

*Bonus points if you can give me an example! (Either from our play or something you come up with!)



Name the PROTAGONISTS of the play

Romeo and Juliet

Protagonist: The main character(s) that a story follows


How does Romeo find out about the Capulet ball?

A Capulet servant asks Romeo to read the guestlist for him because he is illiterate (cannot read)


What does Juliet wish Romeo would do so they could be together?

*Bonus points if you can tell me the quote! (I will accept answers I deem close enough)

Refuse his name


What is wrong with how the Nurse delivers the news to Juliet about Tybalt and Romeo?

She is too vague and, at first, Juliet believes that Romeo is the one who is dead


Name one of the 3 fears Juliet describes before she drinks the potion

*Bonus points if you can name all 3 fears!

1. What if the potion doesn't work and she has to marry Paris?

2. What if the potion is a poison the Friar made to kill her?

3. What if she wakes too early and goes mad in the tomb?


Why didn't Romeo get Friar Laurence's letter?

*Bonus points if you can tell me the name of the character who gives us this information!

Friar John got quarantined before he could get Friar Laurence's letter to Romeo


A long speech spoken by ONE character that reveals their inner thoughts/feelings; only the AUDIENCE can hear this speech

*Bonus points if you can give me an example! (Either from our play or something you come up with!)



Name the TWO families feuding throughout the play

The Capulets and the Montagues


Name ONE of the reasons why Lady Capulet says Juliet is ready to get married

Other girls Juliet's age are already married with children

Lady Capulet was Juliet's age when she had Juliet

Paris has expressed interest that he wants to marry Juliet


What does Juliet tell Romeo she will do before he leaves?

She will send him a message the next morning


What does Juliet ULTIMATELY decide she feels about Romeo after finding out about Tybalt and Romeo's banishment?

She decides that she won't speak badly about her husband and that her allegiance in marriage is more binding than her allegiance to her cousin


What does Juliet's vision of Tybalt's ghost reveal about her state of mind?

Juliet is becoming dangerously paranoid and losing her grip on reality.


Who is dead at the end of the play?

*Bonus points if you can name all 6 characters that died in the play!






Lady Montague


When an author makes a reference to another person, place, thing, or event in their writing.

*Bonus points if you can give me an example! (Either from our play or something you come up with!)



How long is the play supposed to last? *According to the Prologue?

2 hours


What does Juliet say she feels about marriage when her mother asks?

She thinks marriage is honorable, but it isn't something she's really thought about.


What is the Friar doing when we are first introduced to his character?

*Bonus points if you can tell me why this is significant to his character!

Making medicine from plants

A friar at this time, creating medicine/potions from plants, is the opposite of what we would expect. It shows that Friar Laurence may not be as motivated/driven by his religion as we would expect.


What is Romeo's punishment?



Who finds Juliet the morning after she drank the potion?

*Bonus points if you can tell me why this is significant to plan!

The Nurse

This is the first sign that the plan is going wrong


What does Romeo decide to do after he learns of Juliet's "death"?

He decides to buy poison, return to Verona, and end his life in the tomb with Juliet's body


A short speech made by ONE character; only the AUDIENCE hears it

*Bonus points if you can give me an example! (Either from our play or something you come up with!)



What type of play is Romeo and Juliet?

A tragedy


Explain Romeo's premonition as he and his friends enter the Capulet ball.

*Bonus points if you can tell me what this is an example of!

He is afraid that going to the party will seal his fate and will lead to his "unnatural" (early) death

This is an example of foreshadowing & dramatic irony!


Who says the following quote: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet."

*Bonus points if you can tell me what this person meant and why they said it!

If we called a rose by any other name, it would still smell as sweet.

Names are just names; they don't define who we are

If Romeo had any other name, he would be just as beautiful/perfect


How does Romeo react to his banishment?

*Bonus points if you can tell me the Friar's reaction to Romeo and why he felt that way!

Romeo thinks banishment is worse than death

Friar Laurence gets angry with Romeo because he thinks Romeo is being ungrateful, short-sighted, and overdramatic


How does Lord Capulet react to his daughter's "death"? How is this different from his earlier treatment of Juliet?

*Bonus points if you can tell me what he called her in this scene!

At first he is in denial that she is dead, and then he is incredibly devastated. This is different from how he treated her earlier because he threatened to disown Juliet if she refused to marry Paris.

He called her his soul


Who is at the Capulet tomb when Romeo arrives? What were they doing before Romeo interrupted?


He was bringing flowers to Juliet's grave and crying over her death


A clever joke that plays on a word’s many meanings.

*Bonus points if you can give me an example! (Either from our play or something you come up with!)



When do we learn what happens to Romeo and Juliet?

*Bonus points if you can tell me what this portion of the play is called!

In the beginning

The Act 1 Prologue or Exposition


Describe how Mercutio views love!

*Bonus points if you can tell me what character he alludes to when he expresses his view!

He believes that love is strictly PHYSICAL attraction; it is a surface-level emotion.

He alludes to Queen Mab, a fairy queen that enters people's dreams and makes them fall in love with others


How does the Friar react to Romeo's request to be married? Why does Friar Laurence agree to do it?

He is concerned that Romeo has moved on from Rosaline too quickly.

He agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet because he hopes it will end the family feud.


What does Lord Capulet decide will help Juliet stop crying about Tybalt?

*Bonus points if you can tell me why else he would make this decision!

He will have her marry Paris in three days (on Thursday)


How does Friar Laurence tell Juliet's family to feel about her "death"?

Instead of being sad, Friar Laurence tells them to recognize that Juliet is in a better place. He reminds them that they wanted what was best for their daughter, and she has that in Heaven.


Why does the Apothecary decide to sell the poison to Romeo?

He is poor and Romeo offered him a lot of money


A long speech spoken by ONE character; can be funny or dramatic; OTHER CHARACTERS on stage can hear this speech

*Bonus points if you can give me an example! (Either from our play or something you come up with!)



How old is Juliet?

*TRIPLE points if you can tell me her birthday! (This was said in the play, I SWEAR!)


Lammas Eve/July 31st 


How does Tybalt react to seeing Romeo at the ball and what is Lord Capulet's response?

* Bonus points if you can explain WHY Lord Capulet responds this way!

Tybalt wants to get his sword to fight Romeo. Lord Capulet tells Tybalt to let it go.

He tells Tybalt to let it go because he doesn't want to cause a scene. Lord Capulet also says he's heard that Romeo is a virtuous and good-natured young man.


Why did Tybalt send a letter to Romeo? Who received the letter?

Tybalt sent a letter to challenge Romeo to a duel

Benvolio and Mercutio received the letter


Explain the significance of the lark and the nightingale

The (morning) lark's call signifies that it is morning, therefore it is time for Romeo to leave Juliet

If they heard the nightingale, then that signifies that it is still nighttime, therefore Romeo and Juliet have more time to be together


What does Peter ask the musicians to do? How do they respond?

Peter asks the musicians to play a song to cheer him up.

The musicians decline because they don't think it is appropriate considering the circumstances. They even go as far as teasing Peter.


How does Juliet die?

She stabs herself with Romeo's dagger


An extreme exaggeration

*Bonus points if you can give me an example! (Either from our play or something you come up with!)



What poetic structure was the Prologue written in? Hint: Think rhyme scheme!

*Bonus points if you can tell me the parts of this poetic structure!

Shakespearean sonnet

3 Quatrains (ABAB CDCD EFEF)

1 Rhyming Couplet (GG)


What happens in the opening scene of the play? *Double points if you can explain why this is significant to the play?

Servants from the Montague and Capulet houses are fighting in the streets

This shows the audience how intense the family feud was before the play began.


What advice does Friar Laurence give Romeo before the wedding?

Love in moderation


What advice does the Nurse give Juliet regarding Paris?

Forget the banished Romeo and marry Paris (he's the better man compared to Romeo)


How does Peter get back at the musicians for making fun of him?

*Bonus points if you can tell me why it is funny that Peter, a servant, did this!

Peter challenges the musicians to a battle of wits by asking them a riddle. The riddle makes fun of musicians for being poor.

This is funny because Peter is a servant, who is likely also poor. Additionally, Peter is challenging the musicians to a battle of wits when he, himself, is also uneducated.


What did the Prince mean when he said "All have been punished"

Everyone involved in the feud has suffered from the losses caused by the feud


When someone says one thing but means the opposite; Usually done to create humor/sarcasm in a scene

*Bonus points if you can give me an example! (Either from our play or something you come up with!)

Verbal irony


A majority of the play is non-rhyming but has a consistent meter (rhythm). What is this called?

*Bonus points if you can tell me the name of this meter!

Blank Verse



How does Romeo react to seeing Juliet? What does he do when they meet?

*Bonus points if you can tell me what he said! (I will accept close-enough answers if you can't remember the exact quote)

He thinks she is the most beautiful person he's ever seen. He dances and flirts with her, then kisses her twice

"She doth teaches the torches to burn bright!" (Her beauty lights up a room!)


What happens at Romeo and Juliet's wedding?

We don't know; the wedding occurs off-stage

(Still can't believe how much hate y'all gave Juliet's dress in the movie)


What does Juliet decide she will do at the end of Act 3 after her argument with her parents? (3 correct answers)

*Bonus point if you can tell me all 3 correct answers!

She will go to Friar Laurence for help

She will no longer trust the Nurse

She will end her life if the Friar cannot help her


Why does Shakespeare include the scene with Peter and the musicians? What lesson is the audience meant to walk away with?

Peter and the musicians would all be considered lower class at this time.

When they had a disagreement, they were able to walk away without any bloodshed. The Montagues and Capulets, both wealthy families, have refused to settle their differences and caused so much bloodshed.

Lesson: Money can't buy class!


What do Lords Montague and Capulet decide to do after discovering their children in the tomb

*Bonus points if you can name all 3 agreements!

Lord Montague will build a golden statue of Juliet to honor her and Lord Capulet will allow Romeo to be buried in the Capulet tomb with his wife, Juliet. They also agree to end the feud


When the outcome of a situation is the OPPOSITE of what was expected

*Bonus points if you can give me an example! (Either from our play or something you come up with!)

Situational Irony