Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Act 5
According to the prologue, what city is the setting for most the play?
He is the preacher at a church, and also a friend of Romeo's.
Who is Friar Lawrence?
Mercutio. Romeo stepped inbetween the fight between Tybalt and Mercutio. Thus blocking the vision of Tybalt, where his arm when under Romeo's and stabbed Mercutio.
Who is the first to die in Act 3? How?
Capulet moves the date from Thrusday to Wednesday.
What change does Capulet make in the wedding plans?
Talking to Juliet, then leans into kiss her without knowing she was still alive. Then drinks the potion.
What are Romeo's last actions before dying?
He's depressed because he believes he's in love with Rosaline, who has pleadged to become a nun.
In Romeo's first appearance, why does he seem so depressed?
He is collecting medicine and talking to children.
What is Friar Lawrence doing when Romeo meets him?
He is banned from Verona to Mantua.
What punishment does Romeo recieve for killing Tybalt?
She drinks a mixture of herbs given to her by ther Friar.
What does Juliet drink to be "kill herself"?
He brings news that Juliet is dead.
What news does Balthasar bring to Romeo in Mantua?
She is told to look at Paris, he is supposably the perfect man for her. She is also to show up at the Capulet Ball.
What decisions are made in Scenes ii and iii for Juliet?
Tybalt caught Romeo at the Capulet ball and was not pleased.
Why is Tybalt looking for Romeo?
Tells Romeo to go to Mantua, and he will give Romeo word of when he may see Juliet again. Before Romeo leaves the Friar speaks about going to see Juliet.
What plan does the Friar give to Romeo for his future?
Tells Capulet to be glad that Juliet is in heaven.
After Juliet's "death" what does the Friar tell Capulet to do?
After the death of Romeo and Juliet the parents of each household are beginging to listen. They figure that there should be nothing between each household, because of the love their children had.
What hints at the end of the play and in the prologue in Act I tell us that peace will be restored in Verona?
At the Capulet's ball Romeo approaches Juliet and they talk.
How do Romeo and Juliet meet?
Juliet says that she is going to confession, where she really goes to see Romeo and get married.
What does Juliet say she is going to when she leaves the house? What really happens?
Capulet has planned for Juliet to marry Paris on Thursday, the Frair shall marry them.
What plan does Capulet make for Juliet?
He needs to hold off Juliet's wedding since she is already married.
What does the Frair mean when he says, " I would I knew not why it should be slowed."?
He wished to the be placed in the tomb with Juliet
What was Paris's last request before dieing?
The nurse tells Juliet that Romeo is a Montegue, and Romeo learns that Juliet is a Capulet when she is summoned by her mother.
How do Romeo and Juliet learn eachother's identity?
The sun, two fair stars, and an Angel.
To what three heavenly bodies does Romeo compare Juliet?
Romeo visits Juliet at her house and they spend their last night together before Romeo leaves. Juliet tells Romeo she is to marry Paris, her father's orders.
What happens the night of Mercuto and Tybalt's death?
1. She is afraid she will wake before Romeo comes to get her, and she will be surrounded by dead bodies. 2.She is afraid she won't wake up, because it might be posion. 3. She is afraid of sufficating in the tomb.
What are three doubts Juliet has before drinking Friar Lawrence's potion?
The Montegue's place a statue of Juliet made out of pure gold in their yard. The Capulet's want to place a statue of Romeo right next to Juliet.
Accroding to the end of scene III what memorials are planned for Romeo and Juliet?