Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Act 5
If the families fight again their punishment will be death.
What threat does the Prince make to Lord Montague and Lord Capulet?
"It is nor hand, nor foot nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man." Basically it is meaningless to the person.
Explain what Juliet says about names.
That there will be a fight because of the heat there is.
At the beginning of the scene, why does Benvolio think that there will be a fight?
He thinks it will help Juliet get over Tybalt
How does Paris explain the sudden haste of the marriage plans?
Friar John gets sent into quarentine. and does not make it to Mantua to give romeo the letter
Briefly explain the causes and effects of Friar John's failure to deliver the letter?
Because they would both not want the penalty of death.
Why does Capulet think it will be easy for Montague and him to keep the peace?
The moon is inconstant, eventually dies & a new cycle begins
Why doesn’t Juliet want Romeo to swear his love for her to the moon?
He says that Romeo was trying to stop the fight.
When Benvolio relates to the Prince what happened, what does he say Romeo tried to do before Mercutio was killed?
He brings it forward making it worse for Juliet
How does Capulet change the wedding plans? What implication does this have?
Friar fears that Romeo wont be there and Juliet will wake up to dead people surrounding her.
What motivates Friar Lawerence decision to go to the monument?
Juliet wishes to marry but not at the very moment.
When Lady Capulet asks Juliet how she feels about marriage, what is Juliet’s answer?
Young men don't love truthfully and for the person; they love someone for what the look like.
What does Friar Laurence mean when he says to Romeo, “Young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes?
That he still has a wife to think about and how much she loves him.
What argument does Friar Laurence use to prevent Romeo from killing himself?
She takes the potion despite the risks
How does Juliet show her maturity and independence in this scene?
He is angry because he thinks Romeo wants to defile Juliet's and Tybalt's bodies.
How does Paris react to seeing Romeo at Juliet's tomb
Queen of the Fairies & she fills men heads with dreams
Who is Queen Mab and what does she do?
He is a Prince of Cats and he is the courageous captain of compliments
According to Mercutio, what kind of man is Tybalt?
That it was the nightingale but not the lark
As Romeo is preparing to leave Juliet, what argument does she use to convince him to stay?
The Capulets are getting ready for the wedding.
What is happening in Act 4 scene 4?
He blames himself for everything that happened.
Who does the Friar blame when explaining to Juliet what has happened?
His voice
How does Tybalt recognize Romeo at Capulet's Party?
She won't tell Juliet what Romeo said & is dragging the moment out.
How is the nurse behaving that is frustrating to Juliet
He threatens her that he will disown her and not care if she dies anymore because she is his property.
What is Capulet’s reaction to Juliet’s threats?
He tries to comfort them by instructing them to bring Juliet to the families tomb.
What does Friar Laurence say to comfort the Capulet family?
There family members and friends were killed because of there relationship.
What are the losses that the families have experienced as a result of Romeo and Juliet's relationship?