Who is the tallest in the family?
This person was the first to move out
What is Jasmin
This person does not have any tattoos
What is Lupe Sr
Who is the most trigger happy
What does Mateo call the twins
"Las Anas"
These family members do not live in Reno
Cruz and Jessica live in Sun Valley
Most likely to rage quit
What is Lupe
Who went undercover late at night seeking revenge from a neighbor?
Melissa vs. __________?
When Estefany met Rodolfo she lived where?
Apartments on Merchant St.
What holiday did Lupe break his foot?
Father's day
Name Cruz's childhood bffs
Patrick, Treci, Memo, and Pancho
Who has been victim of Annies front yard?
Jayden and Jessica
In this situation, the fence won
Jayden when he tried to jump a fence but broke his arm instead
When and Where did Annie and Lupe get married?
1/27/91 - El Salitre, Mexico
Where did everyone meet their spouses
Cruz and Jess - School
Jasmin and Raymond - School
Lupe and Melissa - School
Rodolfo and Estefany - Best Buy
Where was everyone's first apaartment away from home?
Jasmin - the Gardens
Lupe - apartment by Guichos
Rodolfo - Selmi
Cruz - Selmi
Who shares a birthday and what day is it?
Ana, Esme, and Jake - 4/3
Raymond and Jasmin - 11/16
What self-defense items does Joel own?
Whip, Nunchucks, Bat
When was Jericho given to Annie
What was the name of the first family pet?
Max, a dog
When is the sibling's birthdays?
Lupe - 3/9/92
Rodolfo - 9/2/93
Jasmin - 11/16/94
Cruz - 10/27/96
Every American gets taxed - what tax do the kids experience?
Uncle tax - bite from their food
As this person fell, an item also spilled out
Name all the first cousins on Annie's side
Alicia - Noe, Dayami, Emmanuel, Alessia
Kenia - Jamie , Peter, Sebastian
Miguel - Macros and Isela
Annie - Cruz, Lupe, Jasmin, Rodolfo
Yesi - Kevin, Michael, Jessica
Mire - Katy and Anahy