Reagan's Policies
Reagan's Presidency
Reagan's Campaign
Legacy & Impact

Reagan's economic policy aimed to stimulate growth by reducing taxes and government regulation. What is this economic philosophy called?

What is supply-side economics?


Reagan's policies included significant increases in defense spending, a plan known as this.

What is the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).


Reagan survived an assassination attempt in this year.

What happened to Reagan in 1981?


Reagan first ran for President in this year.

What is 1980?


Reagan's economic policies laid the groundwork for a period of sustained economic growth and prosperity during this decade.

What is the 1980s?


Reagan signed this major tax-cutting legislation in 1981.

What is the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981?


Reagan aimed to cut government spending and eliminate programs through this initiative in 1983

What is Reagan's "Grace Commission"?


Reagan's presidency led to the end of this prolonged conflict between the US and the USSR

What is the Cold War?


Reagan was a member of this political party when he ran for President.

What is the Republican Party?


Reagan's leadership is often credited with helping to bring an end to this major global conflict.

What is the Cold War?


Reagan aimed to reduce the influence of this sector through his economic policies.

What is government?


Reagan's defense spending increase was part of this ambitious program.

What is the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)?


Reagan's famous quote "Trust, but verify" was often associated with negotiations with this country.

What is the Soviet Union?


Reagan's opponent in the 1980 presidential election was this Democratic incumbent President.

Who is Jimmy Carter?


Reagan's communication skills earned him this enduring nickname, reflecting his ability to connect with the American people.

What is the Great Communicator?


Reagan's economic policies led to a freer market, led by this policy.

What is deregulation?


Reagan signed this trade agreement in the 1980s, aimed at reducing barriers between the US, Canada, and Mexico

What is NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)?


Reagan's economic policies led to a period of sustained economic growth and a decrease in this economic indicator, which measures the unemployment rate.

What is unemployment?


Reagan's famous question during his 1980 campaign was, "Are you better off" this many years after the start of Jimmy Carter's presidency.

What is four years?


Reagan famously called this group an "evil empire" in a speech, referring to the ideological adversary of the United States.

What is the Soviet Union


Reagan's economic policies resulted in a significant increase in this economic indicator, indicating the overall health of the economy.

What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)


Reagan signed this tax in 1983, increasing payroll taxes to secure the solvency of Social Security.

What is the Social Security Reform Act?


Reagan's policies toward the Soviet Union included a significant military buildup, but he also engaged in diplomatic talks with Soviet leaders, resulting in agreements to reduce these weapons.

What is Nuclear Weapons?


Reagan's campaign emphasized this theme, which focused on restoring America's strength and confidence.

What is "Morning in America"?


Reagan's appointment of this woman as the first female Supreme Court Justice left a lasting impact on the judiciary.

Who is Sandra Day O'Connor?