What do carbohydrates provide for the body.
What Is Energy.
How soon after a practice should you eat a meal.
What Is 30-60 min.
What Is 40-50 grams.
What is half your body weight in ounces.
EX: 200 LB = 100 oz = 5 SmartWaters
What supplement is best for SOFT TISSUE / STRAINS
What Is Collagen.
What type of CHO are fruits and Honey Stinger Chews.
What Is Simple Carbohydrates.
What Is 3-4 hrs.
What supplement is recommended for concussions?
What Is Creatine.
What Is Omega 3's (half credit).
What type of carbohydrates should you have at meals to provide energy until your next meal (3-4 hrs).
What Is Complex Carbohydrates.
Which is better POST PRACTICE? Protein Shake or Pro Plate.
What is a Pro Plate.
What is 1g per LB.
Example: 200 LB = 200 grams protein
How many grams of carbohydrate should you have per minute of exercise.
What Is 1g / min of exercise.
How many grams of carbs should you consume BEFORE PRACTICE.
What is 1g for HALF your body weight.
EX. 200 lbs = 100 g CHO
What is the Third-Party Testing company recognized by the NFL.
What Is NSF Certified.
How many kcal are in 1 gram of carbohydrate.
What Is 4 kcal/g.
On a normal practice day what is the ratio of carbs, protein, and starch on your PRO PLATE.
What Is Equal Parts (1/3) each.
How many kcals are in 1 grams of protein.
What Is 4 kcal / g
Drink 8-12 ounces immediately and another 8-12 ounces in the next hour
Are supplements regulated by the government.
What Is NO!
Supplements are not regulated by any governing body.