Volunteering/chaperoning for a classroom requires...
What is a volunteer application? Picture ID and background check. Anything overnight requires fingerprints.
Do binders go home and come back everyday?
What is YES!
Math homework is given on these days.
What is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday?
Name the platform that parent's are expected to check teacher updates and Ms. Sanchez's contracted hours.
What is ClassDojo and 8am-3pm.
Name the ratio of Spanish and English minutes of instruction in 5th grade.
Uniform policy for 5th grade allows for this color top and these three color bottoms. On Fridays students can wear this.
What is a green top and black, blue, or khaki bottoms. On Fridays students can wear Mount Rose Spirit shirts and jeans.
Name the expectations and the consequences for cell phones at school.
Cellphones stay in the student's backpack/cubby.
1st offense, teacher collects and gives back at the end of the day
2nd offense, parent must pick up
Students have a __________________ project that they can work on at school and at home. All projects will have a checklist/rubric.
What is quarterly?
Chaperones are always need for _____________.
What is field trips?
Students can re-do assignments, true or false.
WSCD is not responsible for any lost or stolen items of...
What is cell phones, toys, or personal belongings.
Student's are required to participate and follow classroom norms _________ percent of the time.
What is 100% of the time?
Students should be reading ___________ minutes a night.
What is 30 minutes?
Birthday celebrations are done, outside _________
What is school.
Instead of MAP testing, students will be using this.
What is iReady?
The number of the days a student is given to make-up when absent.
What is the number of days absent, plus one.
School and classroom rules need to be observed. Classmates are expected to be respectful towards one another. If a student breaks a classroom/school rule, Ms. Sanchez expects this.
What is ownership/responsibility.
Students will be _______________ and be ready to learn.
What is prepared?
Parent's need to __________________, Infinite Campus, teacher announcements, attend parent conferences, and conduct planner/binder checks.
What is monitor?
If I would like to know what my child is learning, I can check these two places.
What is their binder and IC? Occasionally, ClassDojo.
WCSD Board Policy 5100 states, students have the right to learn in a ___________, ___________, and ___________ learning environment. Teacher's have the right to teach in an environment that is free from _____________ and ______________ that impede learning,
What is respectful, safe, and inclusive for students and distractions and disruptions for teachers.
Grading is updated ____________ in Infinite Campus. Grading is based on grade level _______________.
What is biweekly and Standards.
If a student is feeling overwhelm, they can request a one on one appointment with me during _____________ time.
What is Study Hall Time?
Parent's need to _______________ with the teacher when they are feeling a disconnect between school and home.
What is communicate?
Ms. Sanchez loves community and educational integration, field trips. However, if a student cannot follow school/classroom rules, then how can a teacher __________ them outside of the classroom. Field trips are up to Ms. Sanchez' discretion regarding student behavior.
What is trust?