How many times will you be asked to put your phone away before getting a paper bag?
Zero (Paper bag is your first non-verbal warning)
When a student walks in to use the regulation station, what is expected of students in the class?
Do not interact; ignore them etc.
Name one way you can get classroom cash.
Raising your hand to talk.
Engaging in class/Answering a question
Completing work
Cleaning up
When do you have access to the coffee bar?
Start of class
What day of the week is the Brennan Store open?
True or False: I can put my phone in my pocket instead of a paper bag.
Did Mrs. Brennan stick with having tracks in 158?
No...ya'll are doing great.
True of False: You CAN share classroom cash.
How many minutes is the coffee bar open for?
5 minutes
True or False: You should bring your own water bottle to class.
True. Those little itty bitty cups will be gone soon and you'll need a more sustainable way to get your water. (Let us know if you need one and we can help you get one.)
What happens if you don't put your phone away?
You get a write-up
What is one expectation of getting to be in flexible seating?
1. No talking to peers
2. Engaged in class
3. Not on cell phones
Where is classroom cash stored?
Envelope in the classroom/in the classroom etc.
True of False: I can get coffee or hot cocoa when it's NOT my class time.
What do you do if you would like a fidget in the middle of class?
Quietly get up and walk to the back or the room to access the fidgets without disrupting class.
Can you be on your phone in the Regulation Station?
Can you access Brennan Store before Friday?
Nope. Nada. Don't even ask.
What is the name of Mrs. Brennan's new puppy?
(But she doesn't know if she shared with everyone so if you guessed a cute name, you get points.)
When you are done at the coffee bar, what do you need to make sure you do?
Clean up (NOTE: if it's consistently left a mess, coffee bar privileges will be reduced.)
How many minutes do you set the timer for when you get in the Regulation Station?
5 minutes
Name one slang word Mrs. Brennan uses that makes students cringe.
No cap; Standing on Business; (Sometimes she Mews); Slaps; Cheeks; Cringe: Demure, Cutesy, Mindful; (Name something else and Mrs. Brennan will give you points.)
What do you do if you need water during class?
Quietly get up and get it and walk around the back of the room.
What is one name of Mrs. Brennan's plants OR Chickens OR pet?
(Give a guess...creative answers will get points too!)
Plants: George, Matilda, Roberto, Kevin, Beatrice
Chickens: Billie, Nugget, Mabel, Rosie, Bertha, Snowy
Pet(s): Freddie Mercury, Mollie
How many paper cups do you get a day?
How will you communicate with staff when you are in the Regulation Station?
Non-verbal cue ( not disrupt class)
{Or some sort of answer like what is mentioned above.}